A spot of tea in Indianola

By Lisa Bourne

I attended the Tea Party of America’s Restoring America event in at the National Balloon Classic grounds in Indianola, IA on Saturday, September 3.

Sarah Palin in Indianola, Iowa

Former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin was the keynote speaker at the event. Despite previous reports that she would not announce her candidacy for the 2012 presidential election at the rally, on the off-chance she might do so, I thought it would be interesting to be there.

I also wanted to take in my second Tea Party event.

After my two Tea Party encounters  I remain convinced that the negative aspersions cast on the movement by the media and some politicians and others are complete fabrication. At both I saw regular, hard-working people who are patriotic and love our country. At the same time, they are unhappy about what’s happening here and abroad at the hands of and in the name of our nation’s government.

Sarah Palin gave a speech that was well-written and delivered at the Restoring America rally.

The woman is also much maligned by the media and others.

What’s not for the cranky to hate?

She’s beautiful. She’s likable. She’s down-to-earth. She’s accomplished. She seems thoroughly genuine, and she’s beat the feminists at their own game by “having it all,” minus the anger.

For me, Sarah Palin’s character has never been more evident than in her rejecting the notion of taking the life of her son Trig while he was in his mother’s womb waiting to be born, as is all too customary with Down’s Syndrome children anymore.

And yet, what’s the story on her candidacy?

For all the petty vitriol blasted her way, even those who aren’t among the haters can find her posturing as a candidate without officially jumping in tiresome.

Sarah Palin had a good message at the Restoring America rally, substantive as any campaign speech, which is what it clearly had to be. I think she’ll announce soon, and she’s got an army of grassroots supporters ready to fall in formation when she does.

However I agree with the perspective I was recently offered by a friend: She can be of greater value to the conservative cause if she continues to use her influence on various issues and candidates rather than becoming a candidate herself.

Additional comparing of Sarah Palin’s level of executive experience to that of Barack Obama going into the 2008 election, or acknowledging the media’s conducting a war on her words while simultaneously constructing the president as he-of-the-golden-tongue, would not advance the discussion.

Recognizing that we’re operating on the assumption that any number of choices would result in better than we have now, Sarah Palin is certainly among those many choices.

However, while we absolutely have somebody to vote against, we absolutely need somebody to vote for.

As a Catholic I’m pulling for Senator Rick Santorum.

Rick Santorum

Experience, good on the issues, a proven record in office and yet, outside the Republican establishment.

In a world where politicians whom a Catholic can support in good conscience are few and far between, I find Rick Santorum a breath of much needed fresh air.

Life, the family, marriage, faith, our country; all among the things Rick Santorum has pledged to continue to fight for. You can get a glimpse at http://www.ricksantorum.com/why-rick.

Again, something key for me; while he’s been a successful public servant, he’s a devoted husband and father, the man has his family with him whenever he can.

Senator Santorum and wife Karen are the parents of one child in heaven and seven children here on earth. The Santorum’s youngest child, Isabella, three, has Trisomy 18, a condition where the vast majority of children do not survive past birth. The family is walking the walk when it comes to life.

See more here:  http://blogs.cbn.com/thebrodyfile/archive/2011/03/28/senator-santorum-cancelled-iowa-trip-because-daughter-was-very-ill.aspx.

It is my hope that more people will continue to hear Rick Santorum’s message, even get to meet him, that support for him will resonate so his candidacy grows, and then we can get on with the business of restoring America.

[Thanks to Lisa Bourne for contributing this article and photos to Quiner’s Diner. Ms. Bourne is a Catholic journalist and pro-life wife and mother.]


  1. maxine bechtel on September 6, 2011 at 6:51 am

    Good thoughts, Tom! I will venture to say, that just as in last Presidential election, we have so many choices for good pro-life, pro-family candidates, I’m afraid we will wind up with a mediocre one like McCain, or a Bob Dole type, which, as a result, gave us the rotten alternative! Therefore, we as praying believers in God’s Guidance, need to be down o our knees beseeching Him for wisdom! We MUST ignore the MSM or the libs who would like to pick our candidate for us! It’s a life-or-death issue with our freedoms at stake!

  2. Theresa Dowd on September 6, 2011 at 7:12 am

    Great article, Lisa. I wish I’d been able to go to Indianola for some tea, too.

  3. Jeane Bishop on September 6, 2011 at 8:28 am


    We went to the Tea Party on Saturday too. I told my husband that I’m just so glad Sarah Palin is “part of the conversation”. And I told Sarah Palin (in the brief moment I got to shake her hand) why I admire her so much. She is a real woman that has not sacrificed what radical feminists would say women must to be “part of the conversation.”
    And, like you, Lisa, I’m a big fan of Rick Santorum. Thank God for couragous “real” people like Sarah Palin and Rick Santorum….and Lisa Bourne!

  4. Karey Meysenburg on September 6, 2011 at 8:07 pm

    Nice article, Lisa. Thanks.