Another ginned up race narrative

By Patti Brown

I have been a juror on a murder trial and I really respect what goes on in the jury room.

You have to make a decision of guilty or innocence based on the evidence presented and the law, not on your emotions or feelings about what you think is fair.

If only the media gave as much coverage on what happened in Bengahzi and on Fast and Furious, we might be a smarter, more informed electorate and demand honesty and integrity from our government.

The Zimmerman case should NEVER have been brought to trial and was only done so when certain interest groups and certain political interests ginned up the race card, including the President, and the media took the bait like they so often do in cases — Natalie Holloway, Drew Peterson, Lacy Peterson — seriously.

Calling Zimmerman a “white Hispanic” — a term coined by CNN to paint this as a black-white race case — was meant to make people think this was a hate crime. White on black killings are not epidemic in our country but black on black killings are. Just look at what is going on in Chicago! And yet the media ignores those cases, covering them in lumps, not individually.

America got played by the media which used the case to stir up a race narrative. America needs to stop being pawns of the media, and the media need to report a story, not construct or lead a story to advance an agenda.

[Thanks to Patti Brown for permission to publish her remarks on the George Zimmerman trial.]


  1. Shawn Pavlik on July 14, 2013 at 4:59 pm

    Agreed. A grand jury never would have let this case go forward. The outcome of the incident is extremely unfortunate, but the outcome of the trial is IMHO correct.

  2. Patti Brown on July 14, 2013 at 5:43 pm

    We must be a nation of laws and justice must be based on those laws not feelings and emotions. If a jury ruled on their feelings and not the evidence presented at a trial we would ALL live at the whims and moods of others and not under the protection of the law. True justice does not exist if a jury decides some one “should be held accountable” if the evidence presented at trial is not there. It is not the jury’s responsible to fill in the blanks in the prosecutions case. It is their job to judge the evidence presented at trial, and That is why lady justice wears a blindfold, not to turn a “blinded” but to just not by appearances of white or black, rich or poor, but to judge as impartially and fairly as is humanly possible. Emotions of subjective fairness or ideals of settling past wrongs have no place in jury deliberation. It is not the jury’s job to hold someone accountable, that is the role of the court if someone is found guilty. It will be so wrong if the Obama justice department pursues the case on racial grounds to appease any race or political group.

  3. Polly Twocents on July 14, 2013 at 5:45 pm

    Tom Quiner​​’s blog, “Qiner’s Diner” picked up my reflection on the Zimmerman verdict. We must be a nation of laws and justice must be based on those laws not feelings and emotions. If a jury ruled on their feelings and not the evidence presented at a trial we would ALL live at the whims and moods of others and not under the protection of the law. True justice does not exist if a jury decides some one “should be held accountable” if the evidence presented at trial is not there. It is not the jury’s responsible to fill in the blanks in the prosecutions case. It is their job to judge the evidence presented at trial, and That is why lady justice wears a blindfold, not to turn a “blinded” but to just not by appearances of white or black, rich or poor, but to judge as impartially and fairly as is humanly possible. Emotions of subjective fairness or ideals of settling past wrongs have no place in jury deliberation. It is not the jury’s job to hold someone accountable, that is the role of the court if someone is found guilty. It will be so wrong if the Obama justice department pursues the case on racial grounds to appease any race or political group.

  4. oarubio on July 16, 2013 at 10:32 am

    Speaking of Chicago, Mr. President, and while we’re at it, the state of Illinois– whose budgetary and social failures are exceeded only by California (another bastion of anti-life, anti-natural law sentiments)!