Liberal policies imperil African-Americans

By Tom Quiner

DownloadedFileI’m a white man, and I’m grateful for that.
For the record, it has nothing to do with racism. I admire and appreciate the significant contribution African-Americans have made to America. My family claims a black man living in South Africa as an unofficial family member.
As Dr. Martin Luther King encouraged us to do, I judge a person by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.
But let’s be honest, African-Americans as a group are daily victims of cruelty and heartlessness that makes it difficult to be black.
Take education. Black kids are faring worse, a lot worse, than white kids.
The average seventh to eighth grade white kid tests better than a black  twelfth-grader. This is certainly a multi-faceted problem. But there’s no doubt that, on average, black kids attend inferior schools than white kids. Conservatives encourage  programs such as school-choice and vouchers to liberate black kids from their ghetto schools, but liberal politicians block these initiatives.
Liberals’ solution? Money.
They pour money into select urban schools without a proportionate return on investment. For example, Washington D.C. has the dubious distinction of being toward the bottom of the rung in academic achievement for their students, even though they spend more than any other, some $29,000 per student per year.
Take security. Seven to nine-thousand blacks are murdered every year. Despite a lot of talk about racist prison sentences and hate crime, 94% of blacks are murdered by other blacks. A young black man is much safer being sent to war than growing up on the urban streets of America.
What happened?
Simply put, welfare. Liberal elites erected a network of programs that profoundly changed Black America. Some programs worked well; some didn’t. But ultimately, the multi-trillion dollar Great Society Programs replaced Black fathers with a welfare check, to the detriment of Black children.
In the early sixties, three out of four Black kids lived with their married mom and dad.
Today, it’s only one out of three.
The systematic destruction of the Black family has led to an explosion of social pathology amongst our Black brothers and sisters.
It gets even worse when you look at birth rates. Some 53% of black babies are aborted, which has lowered the Black birth rate below replacement level. The Black community in America is slowly dying, one abortion at a time.
Today, Blacks enjoy more political clout than at any time in our history. We have 44 African-Americans serving in Congress. We have an African-American president. And yet with their growing political clout, they continue to overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party which promotes the very policies that have been so deleterious to America’s Black community.
President Obama garnered some 95% of the Black vote despite the fact that he promotes human abortion as a way of controlling unwanted human beings; he fights school choice and vouchers tooth and nail, miring Black kids in underachieving schools; and he supports and expands welfare programs that breed dependence and stagnation.
The political philosophy of Barack Obama and his fellow liberal elites has been poison to Black America.
With friends like that, who needs enemies?


  1. violetwisp on March 18, 2014 at 11:47 am

    I suspect if you want to alter the voting trends of a group of people to something you support, it’s not wise to:
    a) title your post saying you’re glad you’re not them
    b) spend a paragraph trying to justify why you’re not prejudiced against them
    I could be wrong.

    • quinersdiner on March 18, 2014 at 12:00 pm

      You’re probably right in this climate of taking things out of context. Thanks for the advice.

  2. JoeC on March 18, 2014 at 4:29 pm

    Girl: It’s my own fault.
    Counselor: How is it your fault?
    Girl: If I’d do what he wants he wouldn’t hurt me.
    Counselor: What does he want?
    Girl: Just for me to be good, to do what he asks of me.
    Counselor: And if you don’t?
    Girl: He says I don’t want to know what will happen to me if I don’t.
    Counselor: Why do you stay with him?
    Girl: He loves me and I can’t live without him.
    Counselor: Are you sure that’s love–the way he treats you?
    Girl: He says he loves me more than anybody ever could and he really is there for me.
    Counselor: What does he do for you?
    Girl: He has a lot of power around here and when I do what he wants he uses it to help me. He helped me get a job.
    Counselor: Yeah, what did he do?
    Girl: I don’t know but he said that if I’d do everything he said then I would get a job and have everything I want and be happy. And so I tried and the next thing I knew I had a good job.
    Counselor: And you think he had something to do with that?
    Girl: He must have, right?
    Counselor: So what happens when you don’t do what he says?
    Girl: Nothing yet but he says it will be worse than anything I can imagine.
    Counselor: So you stay with him because you are afraid of him?
    Girl: Oh no, I love him!
    Counselor: Why do you love him when all he wants to do is control you? He loves you and will be good to you if you do what he says, but if you don’t he will bring horrible things on you. Is that really love?
    Girl: He says it is.
    Counselor: What is this guy’s name anyway?
    Girl: Jesus.
    Counselor: Hay-soos?
    Girl: No. Jee-suhs.
    Counselor: As in Christ?
    Girl: Yes, that’s the one.
    Counselor: Oh.

    • quinersdiner on March 18, 2014 at 5:12 pm


      • JoeC on March 19, 2014 at 5:19 am

        The use of a fictional dialogue made me think of some of your past articles, even though a different perspective. Main reason I shared.

  3. Arkenaten on March 20, 2014 at 11:59 am

    My family claims a black man living in South Africa as an unofficial family member.

    What a load of nonsense. This is the type of remark that highlights the level of ignorance and lack of forethought that actually goes into a post like this.

    • quinersdiner on March 20, 2014 at 1:11 pm

      Thanks for the incisive, articulate feedback.

      • Arkenaten on March 20, 2014 at 1:16 pm

        Pleasure. Anytime you want an honest, grass roots appraisal of something South African, give me a shout.