Is the new "Noah" movie worth seeing?

By  Tom Quiner “The utter embarrassing mess of ‘Noah’ and why everybody is lying about it.” How’s that for the headline for a movie review on ‘Noah’ which opens today? Let me pass on excerpts from this review, written by Catholic screen writer and critic, Barbara Nicolosi: “Everything is politics. And nowhere is that more…

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"You're stupid!"

Why is Obamacare such a miserable failure? According to Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, it is because the American people aren’t smart enough to properly use the Obamacare exchanges.
The always quotable Mr. Reid says that you …

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Is Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby really about women's rights?

The Left has tried to twist Sebelius v Hobby Lobby into another “war on women” issue.
Are they correct?
Is Hobby Lobby and their right-wing, religious ilk really trying to take away women’s rights since they do not want the government to compel them to purchase contraception. abortifacients, and sterilization in their employee health plans?

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Morality isn't dictated by liberal elites

By Tom Quiner The quote above is particularly relevant today. The Supreme Court is hearing a watershed case to determine if liberal elites can force their morality, their religion, on Christians, Muslims, and Jews. You know the story. The president, in another of his deceitful maneuvers, imposed the HHS Mandate on businesses. Under the Obama…

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The Woman at the Well

Today’s gospel reading is about you. And me.
If you were to create a list of the Bible’s best stories, the story of the Woman at the Well ranks high. You can find it in John 4:5.
The story is rich with symbolism. Every detail in the story has meaning …

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The pornography of abortion

An entire group of human beings are on the verge of extinction. I’m talking Down Syndrome babies. Nine out of ten parents with a prenatal Downs diagnosis choose to abort their child.
Today is World Downs Syndrome Day. We honor our brothers and sisters, our nephews and nieces who are unique since their bodies possess an extra chromosome.
I am sympathetic to the challenges of raising a Downs child, having watched my nephew grow up …

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MSNBC: Aren’t we past opposing Obamacare yet?

Facebook is mad at Obama’s NSA for using their data to spy on people.
Liberal Senator, Diane Feinstein, is mad because Obama’s NSA is spying on her, too.
These serious stories are perfect fodder for our favorite Friday feature, NewsBusted, starring Jodi Miller …

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