Jesus speaks to you, me, Hillary, and The Donald

By Tom Quiner

The deadliest of all the 7 deadly sins is pride.

Pride is a sense that you’re better than someone; that you’re more important. Today’s gospel reading from Luke speaks to ego and our prideful natures:

On a sabbath Jesus went to dine at the home of one of the leading Pharisees, and the people there were observing him carefully. He told a parable to those who had been invited, noticing how they were choosing the places of honor at the table.

“When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet,
do not recline at table in the place of honor.

A more distinguished guest than you may have been invited by him,
and the host who invited both of you may approach you and say,
‘Give your place to this man,’
and then you would proceed with embarrassment
to take the lowest place.

Rather, when you are invited,
go and take the lowest place
so that when the host comes to you he may say,
‘My friend, move up to a higher position.’

Then you will enjoy the esteem of your companions at the table.
For every one who exalts himself will be humbled,
but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”

Then he said to the host who invited him,
“When you hold a lunch or a dinner,
do not invite your friends or your brothers
or your relatives or your wealthy neighbors,
in case they may invite you back and you have repayment.

Rather, when you hold a banquet,
invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind;
blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you.
For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”

Jesus tells us to be humble. He suggests that “the little guy” is just as important as you and I. God sees into our souls. He knows us. Material trappings don’t matter to Him. In fact, everything you and I have is a gift … from Him!

I can’t help but think of the presidential race in light of this rich scripture passage. Donald Trump is a guy who revels in his wealth. It defines him. He wears it as a badge of honor.

Do you think God is impressed?

Hillary Clinton is someone who desperately wants to sit at the head table. She’ll do anything to get there, even if it means selling out the very people she supposedly wants to help. Scandal defines her public life. She has demonstrated a willingness to cut corners, lie, and cheat to get a seat at the head table, preferably with herself at the position of honor.

Do you think God is impressed?

I’ll let Him deal with The Donald and Hillary. I know He’ll deal with me when I let my own ego get off track.

There’s this great Catholic saint, Catherine of Siena, who experienced ecstatic visions from Christ. Even saints have to keep their own prideful urges tamped down. Once God spoke to her using words to this effect, “I am, you’re not.”


Nice reminder. God is in charge. We are nothing without Him. Every gift comes from Him. Thank-you, Father.


  1. abcinsc on August 28, 2016 at 4:37 pm

    Comment: I don’t think Jesus is impressed by Trump’s wealth, but I do think he might look kindly on Trump’s invitation for everyone, particularly the voiceless and unprotected, to have a place at the table that is America.

    Ultimately, God will use this election to work his purpose in America. “He gives and takes away – blessed be the name of the Lord!”

    • quinersdiner on August 28, 2016 at 4:46 pm

      Art, you have a little more benign view of Mr. Trump than I. I sincerely hope you are correct. He spoke to a packed house in Des Moines yesterday.

      • abcinsc on August 28, 2016 at 5:03 pm

        Right or wrong, God will have the last word on the future of our country. I’m trying to come to terms with that in order to find hope for my children and grandchildren.

      • abcinsc on August 28, 2016 at 5:05 pm

        Right or wrong, God will have the last word in this election. I’m trying to come to terms with what that will mean for the future of my children and grandchildren.