A bad omen

By Tom Quiner

The blood of St. Januarius

The blood of St. Januarius

The blood of an 1800 year man didn’t liquefy on December 16th. Something’s amiss.

I’m referring to Saint Januarius, about whom I wrote about back in September. Here’s the recap on the interesting phenomenon surrounding this man as I wrote back then:

This is an interesting saint.

He was martyred for his faith by the Roman Empire in 305AD. His blood was collected by a woman named Eusebia as a relic. This blood is stored in hermetically sealed vials. The blood has hardened with time.

Inexplicably, it liquefies three times a year, including his feast day, which was September 19th.

It also liquefies on December 16th, but occasionally doesn’t. This is one of those years.

In the years when it doesn’t liquefy, something bad happens to the city of Naples, Italy, where the relic resides. For example, in 1980, an earthquake blasted the city killing 2500; in 1939, there was a cholera outbreak; and in 1943 the Nazis occupied Italy.

If you are planning a trip to Italy, you may want to postpone it a year.


  1. Bob Zimmerman on December 20, 2016 at 8:45 am

    If I was a betting man, I’d put my money on another, bigger ISIS terror attack. Given the outcome of the presidential election, I have some hope that we may begin to turn the tide… If Hillary Obama would have won… well.

    • quinersdiner on December 20, 2016 at 9:08 am

      I hope you’re wrong, but it’s hard to bet against it. If Hillary had won, all of our problems would have been solved. At least that’s what she told us, and she never lies except when her lips are [FILL IN THE BLANK].