Des Moines Register writes about The Pope of the People
By Tom Quiner

Maxwell Schaeffer, as Pope John Paul II, and John Busbee, as Lech Walesa, celebrate the birth of freedom in Poland.
The premier of The Pope of the People, the John Paul II musical, is just two days away. The Register’s art and entertainment reporter, Michael Morain, wrote a nice piece about the production in today’s Register. Check it out here.
I wrote and am producing the musical as part of the Centennial Celebration for the Catholic Diocese of Des Moines. Gina Gedler, one of Des Moines’ top theater talents, is directing the production. Maxwell Schaeffer, a radio host on KIOA radio, plays the part of Pope John Paul II. John Busbee, a radio host on KFMG, plays the part of Lech Walesa; and Brad Church plays the role of the bad guy, the communist President of Poland.
It is being performed in seven churches throughout Des Moines in the month of April beginning this Friday night at 8 PM at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
Is The Pope of the People just for Catholics? Not at all. JPII was a historical figure who played a prominent role in the demise of communism in Easter Europe. Even more, Lech Walesa was a labor leader who agitated for human rights and eventually became President of Poland.
This is a story for everyone!
Advance ticket prices are $18, $22 at the door.
Advance ticket prices for students are $9, $10 at the door.
Children twelve and under are free when accompanied by an adult.
You can order tickets online at
April 1, 8PM, Sacred Heart Catholic Church
April 2, 7:30PM, St. Pius Catholic Church
April 3, 3PM, All Saints Catholic Church
April 8, 7:30PM, St. Mary of Nazareth Catholic Church
April 9, 7:30PM, St. Augustin Catholic Church
April 10, 6PM, Christ the King Catholic Church
April 17, 3PM, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
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