The mock benevolence of liberals

“Instead of 12 cashiers making 8 to 10 dollars an hour, now there are 0 cashiers making 15 dollars an hour and 12 cashiers completely on welfare. That is Democrat’s version of furthering prosperity.”

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Obama admits Republicans were right all along

The president and his party shut down the government last Fall over Republican threats to shut down Obamacare.
Now it is the president who is shutting down the piece of legislature named for him. Needless to say, the Tea Party movement is frustrated. The Wall Street Journal quoted the co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, Jenny Beth Martin, about the president’s fecklessness and fickleness …

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Who are the small-minded people?

Jay Carney, the president’s press secretary, blames the Republicans for the Senate’s failure to even submit a budget. I’m serious. He claims it is a lack of bipartisanship on the part of the Republicans that is the root cause of the Senate’s refusal to even submit a budget. This comes from the spokesman for the party that crammed Obamacare down our throats without a single vote from the opposition party.

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Nomination through character assassination

By Tom Quiner Mitt Romney and the Republican Establishment (RE) are doing grave damage to the Grand Old Party. Mr. Romney has spent $17 million in Florida alone with a single thrust: to smear Newt Gingrich. Gingrich has spent about $5 million to defend himself and counterpunch against the Romney assault, an assault joined by…

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