In praise of the Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill

The individual mandate would be repealed. The Left and their media mouthpieces, such as Jimmy Kimmel, blather that this would take away health insurance from 24 million people. Actually, no. Since there would be no more individual mandate, millions of people could voluntarily choose not to continue with their coverage without the coercion of governmental penalties. You would be perfectly free to continue purchasing the plan of your choice if you wish, only there wouldn’t be a gun pointed at your head. No would take your coverage away from you, no one but you, that is.

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Why isn’t Congress on Obamacare?

There is a meme showing up on Facebook that says:

“Let’s try this again: All Americans should have the same health insurance and care as the members of the House and Senate.”

There is a variation on the theme I’ve also seen that goes like this:

“Give us the exact same health coverage that Congress gets, or give Congress the same healthcare that they gave us.”

What is interesting is that this meme is showing up on the Facebook pages of liberal voters, people who hate Trump and love Obama….

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The Schmuck Strategy for fixing Obamacare

Obamacare cynically forces us to be schmucks.  Then-President Obama intoned that Obamacare would drive down our premiums by $2500; that we could keep our current plan if we prefer; and that we could keep our current doctor if we prefer.

Each proved to be untrue. In fact, premiums went up an average of $2500 per insured. The president was off by $5000 per policy! We’re not even paying retail on health insurance any more, we’re paying more than retail for policies with higher deductibles and more red tape.

The Schmuck Strategy will help. Here it is: President Trump can compel Congress to be fellow Schmucks with the rest of us Schmucks…

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The heartlessness of Obamacare

Democrats and their media allies decry any Republican attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare as heartless.

If heartlessness is the issue to the Left, then they should lead the charge in replacing Obamacare. The Mercatus Center at George Mason University commissioned Hanover Research to survey companies to learn of the impact Obamacare disincentives had on job creation. The results were, to say the least, shocking…

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The reality of Sarah Palin’s “death panels”

Liberals sneered at Sara Palin’s contention that socialized medicine by necessity includes death panels.

The mainstream media, of course, backed them up with dismissive articles that characterized Ms. Palin and anyone who opposes the mock benevolence of socialized medicine as a whack job.

Liberals are good at masking the sometimes immoral purposes of a government bureau, so they’ll give it a soothing name, such as an Independent Payment Advisory Board…

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