A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics and Religion

by Tom Quiner

A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics & Religion

by Tom Quiner

The Speech I’d Like to Hear

By quinersdiner | October 21, 2024

The life issue is my passion. I am the board president of Pulse Life Advocates. Pulse Life Advocates wrote and produced this speech because of the paucity of thoughtful and inspirational pro-life speeches this election cycle. And yet abortion is the most important issue our country faces. Abortion violates America’s Creed of immutable fundamental rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. It violates the spirit of the preamble…

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Why the worst Super Bowl in history was my favorite

By Tom Quiner | February 11, 2023

By Tom Quiner, Pulse Life Advocates Board President The worst Super Bowl in history was number V. And I loved it. Looking back, it reminds me of the epic battle of pro-lifers against Roe v Wade, which all happened at about the same time. A young Baltimore Colts fan As background, I’m a lifelong Colts fan. Back in the 1960s, the great Johnny Unitas was Colts quarterback when they played…

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Abortion politicians set their sights on Catholic hospitals

By Tom Quiner | October 19, 2022

Christ called on His Church to heal the sick. Inspired by the teachings of Jesus, Catholic Benedictines proclaim proclaim that “the care of the sick is to be placed above and before every other duty, as if indeed Christ were being directly served by waiting on them.” Down through the ages, Catholic Churches have cared for the sick, and it continues unabated to this very day. Catholic doctors advanced the…

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Senator Schumer calls for abortion-on-demand roll call vote today

By Tom Quiner | May 11, 2022

One of the most deceitfully-named bills in Senate history is up for a vote again today. Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is bringing the ‘Women’s Health Protection Act’ to the Senate floor for another vote, despite failing in a February 28th vote. Schumer is forcing the vote in reaction to the leaked Supreme Court draft document which suggests that SCOTUS may overturn Roe v Wade. He wants to put members…

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Words of wisdom from the Vice President

By Tom Quiner | March 2, 2022
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unmarried women

Schools don’t teach this during Black History Month

By Tom Quiner | February 14, 2022

By TOM QUINER Poverty is largely a function of family structure, as you can see in the graphic above. You can see the inverse relationship between the out-of-wedlock birth rate and median income. In other words, poverty isn’t driven by racism; it’s driven by family structure. Marriage is the ultimate path to healthier, happier families, which is why Pulse Life Advocates has created The Holy Family Project, which launches March…

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St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Is Western Civilization Worth Saving?

By Tom Quiner | February 10, 2022

Saint Mother Teresa posed a provocative question: “… if a mother can kill her own unborn baby, what is left of Western civilization to save?” There’s no question that Western civilization is under attack. ‘Western Civ’ is a decreasingly required course in institutions of higher learning. And when it is taught, curriculum tends to focus on its negatives rather than its staggering achievements. The progressive Left calls for a dismantling…

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Tom Quiner

Did you miss me?

By Tom Quiner | February 7, 2022

Dear Quiner’s Diner Readers: I’ve published several thousand blogposts over the past decade. My output dried up on my personal blog here at Quiner’s Diner in recent years. I’m gratified that many have missed my conservative perspective and wondered what happened to me. Here’s what happened: As you may have noticed from reading my posts over the years, I am particularly passionate about the pro-life movement. I’ve been an activist…

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How the president judges intelligence

By Tom Quiner | January 25, 2022
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The truth comes out

By Tom Quiner | November 9, 2021
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Top ten religious movies for Lent

By Tom Quiner | February 26, 2021

By TOM QUINER Lent has started. What a perfect time to enjoy a good religious movie, especially with so many still homebound due to coronavirus concerns. At some time or other in your life, probably during your Lenten fast, you have asked yourself the question, “what is the meaning of life?” And the answer is, that life has meaning. That meaning comes from being adopted sons and daughters of God.…

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Google silences pro-life voices

Google silences pro-life voices

By Tom Quiner | February 9, 2021

By Iowans for LIFE Did Google swing the election? We typed this sentence into Google’s search engine. The first result referred to the 2016 election, and was published on October 25th, 2016. The second result was a “fact-checking” article from the New York Times that said former President Trump’s claim of voter fraud lacked evidence. Neither result referred to the search terms we used, this from the search engine that…

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