Kudos to two Presidents

By Tom Quiner

A mass murderer receives justice

I have not been impressed by President Obama’s leadership.

However, I am impressed with the decisive action he took to uncover Osama Bin Laden’s whereabouts and subsequent raid to bring the world’s #1 terrorist to justice.

Good work, Mr. President!

You stuck your neck way out there. Your call took guts.

I also commend former President George W. Bush’s relentless pursuit of justice, his steely resolve to protect American’s from further harm from terrorists. He was much maligned by the political left, but is vindicated as President Obama continues to embrace more of the former President’s philosophy.

As Mr. Bush once said, justice must be served no matter how long it takes.

Kudos to these two Presidents for their relentless pursuit of justice in hunting down a notorious mass murderer.


  1. Paul Sharp on May 3, 2011 at 2:53 pm

    Yup, good work by the administration. What is right should be a matter of principle, not personality or party. We can respond that way; a welcome change from past years I might add.