Does an abortion hurt?
By Tom Quiner
Does an abortion hurt?
Does it matter if it hurts? After all, the Iowa legislature refused to stop abortions after 20 weeks of conception even though the we now know that the fetus feels pain at 20 weeks.
For a unique perspective on the pain of abortion, you have a chance to hear from someone who is an abortion survivor, Melissa Ohden. She is the keynote speaker at Iowan’s for Life Dinner this Saturday at St. Pius Catholic Church beginning at 6:30 PM. Here is the bio on Ms. Ohden as provided by Iowans for Life:
“Melissa is the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion in 1977. Despite the initial concerns regarding Melissa’s future after surviving the attempt to end her life and being born at approximately six months gestation, she has not only survived but thrived.
With a Master’s Degree in Social work, she has worked in the fields of substance abuse, mental health, domestic violence/sexual assault counseling and child welfare. Melissa is the Founder and Director of “For Olivia’s Sake”, an organization which seeks to peacefully raise awareness of the intergenerational impact of abortion on men, women, children, families, and communities. Fulfilling the purpose that she believes God set out for her when He saved her from the certain death of the abortion attempt, Melissa is truly a voice for the voiceless.”
What strikes me about Ms. Ohden is how she survived and rose above the pain of abortion to make a profound difference in the world.
Imagine what this world would be like if only the 50 million aborted babies (since Roe v Wade) had lived. Imagine the medicines, the music, the poetry, the inventions. Imagine the love.
Contact Iowans for Life at 515-255-4113 if you’d like to attend. Or e-mail them at The price is $20 per person, and seating is limited.
In the meantime, watch the video above for Melissa’s story.
Human life is precious. Melissa Ohden is living proof.