How do you reduce unemployment?

By Tom Quiner

Seventeen states in the union have found the formula for reducing unemployment rates: they elected Republican governors.

In fact, all seventeen states that elected Republican governors in 2010 saw their numbers improve. Here’s a look at a few of these states’ improved numbers:

Iowa – 6.1% to 5.1% = a decline of 1%

Kansas – 6.9% to 6.1% = a decline of 0.8%

Maine – 8.0% to 7.4% = a decline of 0.6%

Michigan – 10.9% to 8.5% = a decline of 2.4%

New Mexico – 7.7% to 6.7% = a decline of 1.0%

Oklahoma – 6.2% to 4.8% = a decline of 1.4%

Pennsylvania – 8.0% to 7.4% = a decline of 0.6%

Tennessee – 9.5% to 7.9% = a decline of 1.6%

Wisconsin – 7.7% to 6.8% = a decline of 0.9%

Wyoming – 6.3% to 5.2% = a decline of 1.1%

Alabama – 9.3% to 7.4% = a decline of 1.9%

Georgia – 10.1% to 8.9% = a decline of 1.2%

Of course, here in Iowa, Barack Obama wants to take all the credit. Says Erin Seidler, communications director for Obama’s Iowa campaign:

“The president is rebuilding an economy meant to last — one that restores middle-class security by investing in education, energy, innovation and infrastructure. We are seeing the direct result of these actions in Iowa.”

It’s strange that Mr. Obama’s job-creation magic wand works so much better in states with Republican governors, doesn’t it?

When you compare these Republican-run states with the rest of the country, the job market is improving 50% faster than the national rate.

When Mr. Obama isn’t blaming George W. Bush for every ill in the world, he’s trying to take credit for the good news being produced by fiscally conservative policies in Republican-led states.



  1. Tom Maly on July 8, 2012 at 12:33 pm

    That seems to be a telling stat! If President Obama can get away with taking credit in a couple of other “swing” states, he is, alas, president again!

    • quinersdiner on July 8, 2012 at 12:36 pm

      Taking those swing states will be very difficult for Mr. Obama. Conservatives and people of faith will work had to present Obama’s tragic policies and woeful economic record to their fence-sitting friends. We can win.

      • Ankeny Conservative on July 9, 2012 at 3:58 pm

        Unfortunately he is ahead in several, including Ohio. Florida and Virginia are also very close. I think Romney needs to win all three of these key swing states to take the election.

  2. william wallace on July 8, 2012 at 9:06 pm

    The best in reducing unemployment is in removing BARACK
    BARACK’s not uniting the nation he’s but dividing the nation.

    BARACK is just full of hot air political spin & empty promises
    he cares nought for Healthcare reform but uses it as putting
    himself as the caring politician / once re-elected for another
    term the Healthcare Reform bill placed in same drawer as of
    the Road Map giving Palestinians their own free Palestinian
    state // in truth the Healthcare Reform bill or Road Map for a
    free Palestnian under BARACK both never see / light of day.

    BARACK in having broke every promise made / with another
    election upon the horizon /he plays the same game promises
    all to everybody / though it must be said already people from
    both white as black groups (having come to understand he’s
    but a fraudster) having already made it very clear they’ll not
    vote for BARACK they having simply had enough of his spin.

    Though must be said BARACK having some support coming
    from his wealthy backers / so in awe at his ability to cheat to
    lie / they quickly in apprecation awarding him an Nobel Prize.

    BARACK’s gradually losing the support that put him in office
    be it from black or white / they’ve had enough of his political
    spin / rather than in protecting the rights of people BARACK
    did the opposite/removing the few rights they had remaining.

    The problem with republicans being their appalling behavour
    the last time in govt / george & his gang of extreme right wing
    religious fanatics whom did do grave damage unto the nation.

    Republicans In govt once BARACK and democrats removed
    this time / will have to be on the best behavour /not a repeat
    of George & gang / whom blindly sought achieve / worldwide
    political and military domination/ which of course in its reality
    a illusion worldwide military political domination / a goal thats
    simply impossible achieving or an prospect of its maintaining.

    History taught that lesson so many times how could any be
    such the fool as to lead a nation on an journey of pure folly
    it beggers belief that politicians / as USA military command
    could make such error of judgement in bringing the nation
    to its knees not in prayer but in shame at the wrongs done.

    The reality people face is after (a time out) it for americans
    to turn to another chapter of lifes journey in making it wiser
    reading than the last /the last truthfully never brought such
    best of humanity but rather the worst of appalling behavour.

    • J on July 8, 2012 at 10:45 pm

      Parts of this comment confuse me.

      First, we have “George & his gang of extreme right wing
      religious fanatics whom did do grave damage unto the nation.” I’ll come back to that in a moment…

      Then we have, “not a repeat of George & gang / whom blindly sought achieve / worldwide political and military domination” I’m going to interpret that to mean that you didn’t like Bush’s military campaigns. Fair enough — aside from our initial military response to 9/11 (and there HAD to be a response), you won’t get much attempt from me to defend Bush’s military record. Getting into nation-building in Afghanistan was a terrible idea.

      …But that really has nothing whatsoever to do with “religious fanaticism.”

      The comment doesn’t seem to mention it, but another valid criticism of Bush’s presidency was that he contributed mightily to the country’s financial woes.

      …Which, again, is totally unrelated to religious fanaticism.

      I guess my issue is I’m kind of offended by the implication that religious “fanaticism” was a major factor in the Bush administration’s failings, when the comment offers no supporting evidence for this assertion whatsoever. But then the whole comment is done in a bizarre style and is pretty hard to parse.

      • william wallace on July 9, 2012 at 9:10 am

        J / I presume the J stands for JESUS / in no way was my comment an insult to JESUS the insult to JESUS be the interpretation of the bible..

        Betwixt JESUS and christianity there being a wide gap / one must take to account the bible writ long after JESUS and’s based on some words of truth to which added being much that is simply fiction // the reality in
        being the scriptures as choosen in putting the bible together /were not
        the best decision // writings which being left out would have given a far
        clearer interpretation of JESUS’S teaching as unto the best methods in
        ones spiritual development. Why being such scriptures were put aside
        one reason being they were wrote by woman (such as that t’was totally
        a no go area as with false christian teachings woman was portayed as
        the great evil / whom brought mans eviction from heaven due unto her
        lust of the flesh in her tempting of man to sin /which t’was utter fantasy.

        Throughout history of humanity there be spiritual teachers / among all
        be the “Teacher of Teachers” in his time JESUS t’was the “Teacher of
        Teachers” in present times the “Teacher of Teachers” is Prem Rawat.

        On PC search put (words of peace) or put (words of peace global) on
        site a selection of videos in which Prem explaining meditation / of one
        turning one’s senses inward in ones unfolding of the spiritual self /not
        of ideas as beliefs not of a heaven that beyond the clouds but that of practical spiritual experience gifting one an clarity where able answer all questions. Whom am I ?. Is there a God ? a Heaven ?. etc etc etc..

        JESUS went beyond parables with the disciples as others whom equal
        to the disciples // in showing them the art of one’s turning their senses inward / thus in going beyond beliefs ideas unto that of knowing GOD.

        Such being a large part of scripture which the bible does not give it’s
        due ( of course there t’was prayer prayer a watered down version of meditation) /indeed prayer t’was a very poor substitute for meditation
        prayer in main was in conversation toward god / in main in asking for mercy for sin ( where in fact there be no sin / people only convinced
        having had sinned by Church Authority in their maintaining of power
        as Church Authority having done over the centuries / unto presently
        where christianity being but big business / having a yearly turnover
        of $billions in donations from those whom pay to book their place in
        a fictional heaven a fictional heaven somewhere beyond the clouds.

        The reality JESUS teaching was that heaven within/via meditation
        to turn the senses inward twas to experience creation in essence.

        Present time Prem Rawat teaches as JESUS taught and aids one in
        their turning the senses inward / thus the power of creation is known
        not via ideas belief but in that of one’s practical Spiritual Experience.

      • Ankeny Conservative on July 9, 2012 at 3:56 pm

        This is in reply to William Wallace’s 2nd message.

        1. The Bible is God-breathed, inerrant, and gives us the best guide in how to best follow Christ.

        2. What policies of George W. Bush would you relate to promoting “religious extremism”? If anything, we were fighting religious extremism in Iraq and Afghanistan, namely Islamo-fascism.

        3. Learn to use proper punctuation and sentence structure. Your posts are a jumble of words that are very difficult to decipher.

  3. George Ames on July 9, 2012 at 9:40 am

    Come on… this is about the worst researched, self serving, biased blurb I’ve seen for a long time. He brags about the 12 states that have elected Repubs in 2010, their collective unemployment rate went down an average of 1.2% … this compares to a National reduction of the unemployment rate by an average of 1.5% since Jan 2011.

    The NATIONAL reduction was about 20% better in states without Repub Governors! Really, the conclusion should be… electing a Repub governor is counterproductive to lowering unemployment rates. At a minimum, Repub Govs didn’t mean anything.

    If the exact sames stats had been for Democratic governors, the story would have been “Dem Govs not effective in lowering Unemployment.”

    • Ankeny Conservative on July 9, 2012 at 4:06 pm

      When Obama took office, the unemployment rate was 7.8%. Now it is 8.2%. During the last few months there have been about 80,000 jobs per month added, but we need almost 100,000 new jobs just to keep pace with people being added to the work force. Face it, George, this president’s record on the economy is one of failure. $5 TRILLION in new debt and there are fewer people employed now than when Obama took office. What this country needs is Mitt Romney. Romney will kill the job-killing Obamacare, and cut taxes, which is what we need to jumpstart this economy. JFK and Reagan both cut taxes and our economy took off. I know libs like to punish the most successful among us, but that’s no way to create jobs.

      • George Ames on July 9, 2012 at 9:58 pm

        This article covered the time period from the Repub Govs that were elected in 2010, and I will assumed they took office in Jan 2011. I used the states’ numbers Tom Q gave us. Lo and behold, these states unemployment rates fell even LESS than what the US unemployment rate fell from Jan 2011 to June 2012.

        In fact, on closer inspection you see Michigan’s unemployment rate fell the most… the Home to a concentrated Obama initiative to save the car manufacturing industry! So not only did the gov MAKE money off the bailout … Michigan is doing MUCH better,

        Bush2/Chaney left the economy in shambles, the worst since FDR (oh yeah, I’m sure you will try to invoke Reagan’s name. The Carter years did not infect the rest of the world’s economy like the Bush meltdown did. According to an IMF minister I know, the world was literally 6 HOURS away from a meltdown thanks to Bush2 incompetency. (We all could have been frozen like Iceland’s economy.. hint… they used the barter system for about 4-6 weeks because their banks were so screwed up)

        Where Obama made his HUGE screw up was over-promising the speed of the recovery without realizing the real depth of the problem, and Repubs in Congress bound and determined to see him fail.

        Your “hero” Romney???
        1) Saved the US WInter Olympics by .getting a HUGE infusion of cash from…. the USA taxpayers!!
        2) While gov of Mass, held his state’s job creation rate to 45th or so
        3) While with Bain he bought companies, broke them up, and sold off the parts as his process of “returning them to profitability” … and then “outsourcing” and “off-shoring”… costing people their jobs.
        4) You want to elect president a guy that keeps 10’s of millions of his fortune in off-shore and Swiss accounts as tax “avoidance” scheme??? I really hope you are kidding! You want me to think he puts America First??!!??

        Get real.
        (Geez… I really miss Bill Clinton’s grasp of economics!)

      • George Ames on July 10, 2012 at 12:55 pm

        This article covered the time period from the Repub Govs that were elected in 2010, and I assumed they took office in Jan 2011. I used the states’ numbers Tom Q gave us. Lo and behold, these states unemployment rates fell (1.2% average) … even with the US unemployment rate falling from Jan 2011 (9.4%) to June 2012 (8.2%), or 1.2%.
        (I erred in my previous statement, I misread a graph instead of looking at the numbers… sorry)

        In fact, on closer inspection you see Michigan’s unemployment rate fell the most… the Home to a concentrated Obama initiative to save the car manufacturing industry! So not only did the federal gov MAKE money off the bailout … Michigan is doing MUCH better!

        Bush2/Chaney left the economy in shambles, the worst since FDR (oh yeah, I’m sure you will try to invoke Reagan’s name. The Carter years did not infect the rest of the world’s economy like the Bush meltdown did. According to an IMF minister I know, the world was literally 6 HOURS away from a meltdown thanks to Bush2 incompetency. (We all could have been frozen like Iceland’s economy.. hint… they used the barter system for about 4-6 weeks because their banks were so “frozen”).

        Where Obama made his HUGE mistake was over-promising the speed of the recovery without realizing the real depth of the problem, and the Repubs in Congress bound and determined to see him fail.

        Your “hero” Romney?
        1) Saved the US WInter Olympics by.getting a HUGE infusion of cash (ie, bailout!!!) from…. the USA taxpayers!
        2) While gov of Mass, his state’s job creation rate was 45th or so…. in the BOTTOM 10%!
        3) While with Bain he bought companies, broke them up, and sold off the parts as his process of “returning them to profitability” … and then “outsourcing” and “off-shoring”… costing people their jobs.
        4) You want to elect president a guy that keeps many millions of his fortune in off-shore and Swiss accounts as tax “avoidance” scheme? I really hope you are kidding! You want me to think he puts America First?

        Get real.
        (Geez… I really miss Bill Clinton’s grasp of economics!)

      • Ankeny Conservative on July 12, 2012 at 3:08 pm

        I keep hearing how Bush was/is to blame for the state of the economy, but I have never heard one single iota of evidence that shows this is true. How did Bush singlehandedly bring down the world economy? I disagree with much of what Bush did, such as expanding entitlement and education spending. But the facts are that President Obama has spent more money in his first term than any other president has in 8 years, and we LOST jobs. And Obamacare is failed on arrival; over 80% of medical professionals in recent polls have said they are considering retirement due to the ACA.

        What a fantastic plan it must be if 4 out of 5 doctors are considering quitting due to Obamacare.

        By the way, I am not a Mitt Romney fan, but I AM a realist, and if we do not change directions in November, our country is in huge trouble.