Pope Francis rejects Catholicism and becomes a Secular Humanist!
By Tom Quiner
Progressives/liberals love Pope Francis.
For the record, so do I. Any Pope who has liberals talking about the tenets of Catholicism is doing some serious evangelizing.
Keep up the work, Pope Francis!
Progressives/liberals (and whatever label they go by next month) are working overtime to twist his words into suggesting he is saying something new. He’s not. He is proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the perspective of a man who lived in South America, just as Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI were very much formed by growing up in a region dominated by Communism and Nazism.
Every single tenet and dogma of the Church remains intact.
This morning, the Des Moines Register ran a good letter penned by a particularly articulate local Catholic, John Malett:
“Not so fast. Pope Francis’ “Joy of the Gospel” [“Thou Shalt Not Tolerate Inequality,” Dec. 8] is an exhortation, not church dogma.”
In other words, says Malett, the Pope is urging us on, encouraging us to embrace and proclaim the Gospel. He continues:
“It is meant as a point of discussion and careful consideration, two processes that have been absent from American politics and culture for many years. The pope is a simple man who speaks in simple terms that belie complex concepts. While his words are applicable to all, they are especially relevant to members of his flock during this Advent season as they examine their consciences and reconcile them with the church’s teachings — all of them.”
Mr. Malett makes a key point. We can’t pick and choose which tenets and dogmas of the Church we shall deign to embrace. We must embrace all of them. Progressives/Liberals cherry pick them when it comes to foundational issues of Life, Marriage, and Creation. Malett builds on this idea:
“Progressives, as usual and in unusual deference to the pope’s words, focus on the parts that reinforce their Marxist economic and social theories. They continue to see themselves as part of the solution, not part of the problem, not understanding they too are asked to denounce government corruption and deceit, the silencing of minority voices, materialism and the secularism that undermines the Judeo-Christian ethics upon which this country was founded.
Catholics whose voices and beliefs have been denigrated and ridiculed by members of the current administration and their supporters, including many liberal Catholics, are disturbed not by Pope Francis’ confirmation of the church’s teachings on social justice but by the fodder it provides for continued anti-Catholic and evangelical Christian bigotry as well as left-wing plans for the redistribution of wealth.
As evident by the omission of the pope’s words on abortion in the excerpts published in the Register, progressives either think them irrelevant or simply want to ignore the fact they are the foundation on which “Joy of the Gospel” rests. The most fundamental right in the eyes of the Catholic Church and under the U.S. Constitution is the right to life, so it is absolutely essential before any serious discussion of the “Joy of the Gospel” takes place, the teaching of the church that abortion is an intrinsic evil be understood.
The progressive tactic of framing the discussion and setting the agenda won’t work if there is to be meaningful dialogue regarding the pope’s message. One point of contention is going to be the collision of the Catholic Church’s teaching that the ends do not justify the means and the progressive doctrine “by any means necessary.”
That alone should help the American people decide if they want to continue on the path of the last five years or revert to the one that for over 230 years made this the great country that it is.“
Well said, Mr. Malett.
So, despite claims to the contrary, the Pope is STILL Catholic!