Obama equates Islam and Christianity

By Tom Quiner

The president did it again.

In an address at the National Prayer Breakfast, he tried to construct a moral equivalency between atrocities committed in the name of Mohammad with those done in the name of Christ.

To make the case against Christians, he had to drag us back to the Crusades.

Louisiana Governor, Bobby Jindal, had a good response:

Bobby JIndal

Bobby JIndal

“Mr. President, the Medieval Christian threat is under control.”

With Islamic terrorism occurring on a daily basis throughout the world, can we survive two more years of Mr. Obama’s failed politically-correct foreign policy strategies?


  1. Bullright on February 6, 2015 at 11:47 am

    As Reagan would have said. “there you go again,” Obama. Excuse me, I have a bloody crusade and an inquisition to attend.

    • quinersdiner on February 6, 2015 at 12:46 pm

      I’ll see you there. 😉

  2. […] Obama equates Islam and Christianity […]