Isn’t government direction of the economy the problem? Call it crony capitalism I guess. I see no one, except maybe Ted Cruz (and Marco Rubio?) that will “stand athwart” the government knows best syndrome. And Cruz is probably not electable given his strident personality and our media bias – that is how it seems to me anyway. We need another Calvin Coolidge!!
Yes, you’re right, Paul, and crony capitalism is one piece of the government-directed economy. Whenever government picks winners and losers, everyone loses.
Only one candidate who can’t be bought. Just saying…
I don’t quite agree, but I get your point.
Isn’t government direction of the economy the problem? Call it crony capitalism I guess. I see no one, except maybe Ted Cruz (and Marco Rubio?) that will “stand athwart” the government knows best syndrome. And Cruz is probably not electable given his strident personality and our media bias – that is how it seems to me anyway. We need another Calvin Coolidge!!
Yes, you’re right, Paul, and crony capitalism is one piece of the government-directed economy. Whenever government picks winners and losers, everyone loses.