Trump’s VP: Mike Pence, Christian, conservative, Republican

By Tom Quiner


Indiana Governor, Mike Pence

I just got back from lunch with a good friend.

He’s an independent voter. He indicated that he’ll vote straight Republican this November, except for president. He’ll pull the lever for Hillary because he can’t stand Donald Trump.

He represents a lot of us.

This blog has been consistently critical of Mr. Trump. I haven’t decided if I can vote for him (although I know I will not be voting for Hillary). I’ll make up my mind one week before the election.

Upon my return from lunch, I just read that Trump is going with Mike Pence as his VP pick.

Governor Pence is a good, solid choice. That means we’ll have at least one adult on the Republican ticket.

The Indiana governor describes himself as a Christian, conservative, and Republican … in that order.

I can relate to those descriptions, as that describes the philosophical underpinnings of this blog.

Pence spent a dozen years in Congress where he championed pro life legislation, such as an end to tax breaks for insurance companies that cover abortion; or an end to taxpayer funded money going to Planned Parenthood.

In Mike Pence, the Republicans have at least one social, fiscal, and military conservative on the ticket.

Good choice, Donald.


  1. Dennis Wagoner on July 14, 2016 at 2:48 pm

    Pence is the governor of our state. His maturity as leader of this state will be missed. Other than the disaster with the left-wing hate groups on the RFRA, he has been an outstanding governor.

    • quinersdiner on July 14, 2016 at 3:00 pm

      What with RFRA in Indiana? Did he end up bailing on it?

      • Dennis Wagoner on July 14, 2016 at 6:57 pm

        After the initial passage which guaranteed that people with religious objections could not be forced to provide services that violated those principles, the usual crowd of protestors threatened to riot, several entities (the NCAA, the NFL, Angie’s List, Apple among them) threatened to move out of the state and/or boycott the state, converged on Indianapolis. The local media aided them in spreading gross misconceptions about the law (my daughter works at the state house and kept me up-to-date on the details). Eventually, the legislature watered down the RFRA to keep shop owners still open to lawsuits in a lot of cases. It has been quiet since then but Christian business people here still live with threats of frivolous legal action.