Did Hillary really, truly demand that Comey release her emails?

By Tom Quiner


She barked like the cranky landlady nobody likes:

“So we don’t know the facts, which is why we are calling on the FBI to release all the information that it has. Even Director Comey noted that this new information may not be significant, so let’s get it out.”

Lets. Get. It. Out.

Yes, this woman, Hillary Clinton, who has tried so desperately to keep her email correspondence hidden from the public, now tries to reposition herself as the cooperative public servant.

Of course it is disingenuous, as Trey Gowdy points out in his interview with Megyn Kelly above. The FBI can’t release the material until the reopened investigation is done. And if Hillary wants the public to see the her emails, she and her assistant, Huma Abedin can release them themselves.

They know its content.

This scandal wouldn’t have happened if Hillary Clinton had kept her emails on a public server as demanded of her by law.

It wouldn’t have happened if she didn’t have something to hide.

It wouldn’t have happened if she wasn’t corrupt.

Her call for transparency is just another unpleasant look into the guile that governs everything she does.