1. d. knapp on July 30, 2017 at 5:21 pm

    Its hard to go influence. I thought I’d shown a Vietnamese friend (raised Budhist) to Christ. She was enthralled w/ what (as she stated) my husband and I had in life. She was expecting and newly divorced from an older man who mentally and physically abused her. She named her 100% Vietnamese son Peter (she liked that Peter was the rock on which Christ would build his church.) Shortly later, she decided she did not wish to be “bothered” w/ all the “dogma”. She now lives w/o marriage to the man who fathered her second and third children. After some 13 yrs, she still prefers to see Christ as a bother. I was heart broken and realized that she’s “good people”. Worse people wont see it as a choice to make for yourself. They will seek to destroy you. They wont view Christ as a “bother”. They see Him as a mortal (immortal) enemy. what I learned is that our countenance is the most influencing thing we have for influencing others. I had a very gregarious (bombastic) student. she had some idea she annoyed the classmates somewhat. She stated that I must really be a Christian to be able to deal w/ her. I didnt see her as a problem, but her statement reassured me that I touch others as I’m hoping to. Dont spout verses at people or ask the silly question (Do you know Jesus?) Live a good life of peace and contentedness. THAT gets people to come to you asking questions about Jesus. I dont know how the 2 styles stack up in success. I think maybe they’re close.

    • quinersdiner on July 31, 2017 at 6:55 pm

      Very good input, Ms. Knapp.