The complicated legacy of Margaret Sanger

The American landscape is littered with fallen statues of notable historical figures tainted with the stench of racism. A notable statue still stands at the Smithsonian Museum’s National Portrait Gallery in Washington D.C., that of Margaret Sanger.

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“You are hypocritical”

Our May 7th blogpost, “How much is a human life worth,” generated some pushback with this response: “You hit the nail on the head when you called the fetuses “unborn humans.” Until they are born, they are not humans, but potential humans. Why do you never talk about stillborns? Approximately 0.6% of all births are…

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How much is a human life worth?

By Tom Quiner In the midst of the coronavirus lockdown, New Governor Andrew Cuomo repeatedly asserts: “How much is a human life worth? That is the real discussion that no one is admitting, openly or freely. That we should. To me, I say the cost of a human life, a human life is priceless. Period.”…

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Deconstructing the ‘war on women’

The poor Little Sisters of the Poor are back in court again, thanks to lawsuits filed by pro-abortion governors. It’s all a part of an ironic “war on women” campaign waged by pro-abortion politicians against pro-life women.

It’s pretty amazing. The same people who sometimes say ‘they are personally against abortion, but can’t impose their own religion on someone else,’ keep trying to impose their religion on The Little Sisters of the Poor…

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Top ten religious movies for Lent

Holy Week is upon us. What a perfect time to enjoy a good religious movie, especially with so many of us homebound due to the coronavirus lockdown.

The movies that follow aren’t all overtly religious, like “Angels With Dirty Faces.” But hidden within the drama is a profound, Christlike message.

A good religious movie makes me want to be a better person as it entertains, and as a Roman Catholic, draw me nearer to Christ. It reveals a Truth, with a capital T.

My list of top religious movies for Lent changes from year-to-year. Classics like the Ten Commandments and Ben-Hur come and go, replaced by something more recent offering a fresh, new way of telling a story, like a “A Quiet Place.” You’ll find everything from biblical epics to horror films, musicals to ‘who dunits’ on this list.

I sincerely believe you will enjoy these films. Let me know your favorites.

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Words of wisdom from Joe Biden

REPORTER: “Are you at all concerned, as President Trump said, we cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself?” JOE BIDEN: “We have to take care of the cure that will make the problem worse no matter what”

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