The tyranny of tolerance

By Tom Quiner I bet you’re like me. You have friends, family, acquaintances with same-sex attractions. You love them regardless. You want them to be safe. You want them to be happy. For many people of faith, there’s more to it, though. They care about their soul. They worry that acting on same-sex impulses threatens…

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It’s all about me

By Tom Quiner “It’s not about you.” That is the first sentence in Rick Warren’s best-selling book, “The Purpose-Drive Life.”  Mr. Warren’s premise, that our lives belong to God, that true happiness only comes when we do what God placed us on earth to do, is counter-cultural. American culture disagrees with Mr. Warren. Our culture…

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Politics, not justice

By Tom Quiner I’ve just become aware of a website called Justice, Not Politics. The premise of the site is this:  if you vote against retaining the three Iowa supreme court justices up for retention (re-election), it is somehow unjust. Why, then, does the Constitution even give us a vote on this issue if a…

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Should morality be the basis for legislation?

By Tom Quiner Judge Vaughn Walker says no.  He’s the judge in California who struck down Proposition 8 which defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The openly gay jurist said; “A private moral view that same-sex couples are inferior to opposite-sex couples is not a proper basis for legislation.” It’s…

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Should we discriminate on the basis of religious orientation?

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] The answer is yes if you’re the University of Illinois. They fired Kenneth Howell who teaches Introduction to Catholicism and Modern Catholic Thought.  His sin?  He expressed Catholic thought on the subject of homosexuality.  Here is his fire-able quote: Natural Moral Law says that Morality must be a response to REALITY. …

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