"I'll lead you all in the dance, said He!"

Alleluia! He has risen!
The dramatic sweep of the Easter Triduum has reached its dramatic highlight: Easter.
In the Catholic Church, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter are called the Easter Triduum. Our worship never stops. These three days are a piece of the same holy canvas.
I attended the Easter vigil Mass last night at my parish. The drama and pageantry of Christ’s death and resurrection was again experienced with liturgical artistry.
The reality of Christ rivets me at every Mass, but never more than during the Easter vigil.
The man, Jesus, lived.
He was the Son of God.
He died for you and me so that we might live.
As proof that death was defeated, He rose.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
We have a tradition in my parish. We conclude the Easter triduum by singing “The Lord of the Dance.” It’s an interesting song …

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