Socialism fails once again

The most famous ice cream store in the world, Coromoto, has closed their doors. They hold the Guinness world record for most flavors: 863, including a beer-flavored ice cream. Why are they closed? Because there is a milk shortage in Venezuela where Coromoto is located…

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The “Big Three”

The “Big Three” ride again! Who is the Big Three? The first time I heard the phrase was in the 1960s …

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The unsatisfying “Iron Lady”

Margaret Thatcher had guts. God, we will miss her. She stood for something that made the West great. She stood up for common sense, for free markets, and for liberty.

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November 9th, 1989

By Tom Quiner [youtube=] Three giants of the 20th century collaborated  on a miracle, the fall of communism. Pope John Paul II, Ronald Reagan. Margaret Thatcher. They each shared a unique character quality: conviction. They didn’t follow the crowd, they led the world based on the courage of their conviction. The Berlin Wall came down…

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