Farewell, Hef

Hugh Hefner, like far too many men, disregarded St. Paul’s advice to empty ourselves of the clutches of this world.

Hugh Hefner, like far too many men, went the opposite direction with a zealous pursuit of filling himself up with the pleasure of this world, while demeaning himself and everyone he came in contact with, especially the fairer sex.

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The path to death promoted on Facebook

A Facebook friend posted the meme above on her Facebook page.

As readers of this blog might suspect, I have trouble not making a comment on silly, dishonest memes like this. So here is what I said:

“And He told us to lead our brothers and sisters away from sin and towards the path to holiness, which is the path to life.”

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“Their God is my God.”

The man from Chad kneeled upon the beach from Hell.

He gazed to his left, and then his right. He saw 20 men, all Coptic Christians, prepared to answer a question that would determine whether they live or die:

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Your suffering matters

“A stone thrown into the ocean affects even the most distant shore. Doctors graft skin from the body; if it is possible to graft skin, why is it not possible to graft prayer; if it is possible to transfuse blood, why is it not possible to transfuse sacrifice? The sacrifices I make can therefore be applied to others.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Wartime Prayer Book) The Venerable Bishop Sheen paraphrases St. Paul so beautifully …

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