Grassley knows how to create jobs. Obama doesn’t.

When President Obama was sworn in as President, America’s unemployment rate was 8.5 percent.  Fifteen months later, it had climbed to 10.2 percent. When President Obama was sworn in as President, Iowa’s unemployment rate was 6.2 percent.  Fifteen months later, it had climbed to 7.4 percent. The President’s economic initiatives aren’t producing jobs. I wrote…

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How to create more jobs for America

As seen in the Des Moines Register on December 13, 2009 America needs more jobs.  Unemployment is killing us. I know of so many people who have lost their job and many of those still employed feel insecure. The President held a “jobs summit” to look for solutions. I don’t trust the President’s judgment when…

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Does Obamacare require you to pay for abortions?

Yes. Despite the furious debate between President Obama and a few conscientious Democrats, like Bart Stupak, you and I are required by force of law to pay taxes that will abort babies. Despite an Executive Order to the contrary, the long anticipated dream of the Democratic Party has been realized.  Tax-payer funded abortions are here.…

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Why the Tea Party Movement exists

One simple chart from the Congressional Budget Office explains why a Tea Party Movement exists. Look at the last bar on the right.  Deficit spending hasn’t inched up, it hasn’t even exploded.  The operative verb is hemorrhaging.  Our budget is hemorrhaging because of spending imposed on America by the Democratic Party. These are partisan deficits.…

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Political Correctness vs. Common Sense

Imagine you attend a public university. You form a group that stands for something.  It might stand for Jesus. Maybe it’s equal rights or gay marriage or Israel’s right to exist. It doesn’t matter what it is.  You seek members who embrace the same philosophical underpinnings as stated in your group’s charter. You ask the…

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What is the truth?

As seen in the Des Moines Register April 18, 2010 Is truth absolute or relative? Americans disagree.  The question needs a healthy airing in light of an upcoming nomination battle this summer to select a new member of the Supreme Court.  After all, our Justices have to determine what is the truth from a legal…

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My Tea Party Introduction

I attended the Tea Party rally at the State Capital in Des Moines last Friday, my first.  I had three specific things I was looking for: What is the single biggest issue of concern to this movement? How many people would show up? Are the people in this movement normal? Let me answer these questions…

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ELTON JOHN AT THE IOWA EVENT CENTER April 16, 2010 I had the pleasure of attending my seventh Elton John concert last Friday night at Wells Fargo Arena. Read more about it on the music page.

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What is the glue that holds this great nation together? Think about it.  The foundation of any family or nation is its shared value system. America has stood united throughout its history because, despite differences in political beliefs, race and religion, we have a shared set of values.  The belief system was stated beautifully by…

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As seen in the Des Moines Register, January 24, 2010 “I am confident we can get government off our backs and out of our pockets …” Ronald Reagan, November 3, 1980 “Read my lips, no new taxes.” George H. W. Bush, August 18, 1988 “The era of big government is over.” William Jefferson Clinton, January…

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