Grassley knows how to create jobs. Obama doesn’t.

When President Obama was sworn in as President, America’s unemployment rate was 8.5 percent.  Fifteen months later, it had climbed to 10.2 percent.

When President Obama was sworn in as President, Iowa’s unemployment rate was 6.2 percent.  Fifteen months later, it had climbed to 7.4 percent.

The President’s economic initiatives aren’t producing jobs.

I wrote the piece that follows for the Des Moines Register last December.  It appeared on December 13th, 2009.  The piece was based on a telephone interview I had with Senator Charles Grassley.  Senator Grassley presented a proven path to job creation:  an expansion of free trade.  Specifically, the Senator discussed the merits of the pending Korean Free Trade Agreement.

The bill has been held up by Democratic Party politics.

Since then, unemployment for the U.S. has increased a half a percent  and the unemployment rate for Iowa has increased even more.

While Democrats dither, Iowans are losing their jobs.

The President believes increased taxes, increased government spending, and increases in government regulation are the path to job creation.  He said as much this week when he was in Iowa.

There are legitimate pros and cons to pending Wall Street reform, but they’re not the key to job growth.

Free trade is.  And it doesn’t increase our taxes.  It doesn’t increase government spending.  And it doesn’t increase government regulation.  Senator Grassley gets it.  He’s worked in the private sector.

The President is too beholden to unions and Democratic Party pressure groups to advance the Korean Free Trade Agreement.

He doesn’t get it.  Our job as voters is to promote the positive message of free trade to the rest of our congressional delegation.

Iowa needs jobs.  Read the piece that follow for details.  Then get on the phone and call your representatives in Congress to support the Korean Free Trade Agreement.

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