How to boost America’s economy now

By Tom Quiner This Labor Day, 2010, our economy is hurting.  Everything the President and his party has tried has failed. Unemployment is way up.  Economic growth is stagnant. Net job creation doesn’t exist.  The stock market is going nowhere fast. The underlying premise of the President is that only government can get the economy…

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Grassley knows how to create jobs. Obama doesn’t.

When President Obama was sworn in as President, America’s unemployment rate was 8.5 percent.  Fifteen months later, it had climbed to 10.2 percent. When President Obama was sworn in as President, Iowa’s unemployment rate was 6.2 percent.  Fifteen months later, it had climbed to 7.4 percent. The President’s economic initiatives aren’t producing jobs. I wrote…

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How to create more jobs for America

As seen in the Des Moines Register on December 13, 2009 America needs more jobs.  Unemployment is killing us. I know of so many people who have lost their job and many of those still employed feel insecure. The President held a “jobs summit” to look for solutions. I don’t trust the President’s judgment when…

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