Why we need to pass “A Woman’s Right to Know” Legislation
By Tom Quiner
“What’s a fetus?”
That was the question posed by the young woman to an employee of Planned Parenthood. She asked because she was six to eight weeks pregnant.
Here is what Planned Parenthood told her:
“The fetus is the developing embryo inside of you. But at this point, there’s nothing developed at all. There’s no legs. No arms. No head. No brain. No heart. At this point, it’s just the embryo itself.”
The Planned Parenthood employee went on to tell the pregnant girl that raising a baby is expensive. She suggested abortion is the cost-effective solution.
And then she says that if someone is truly against abortion, they should be willing to take in all of these ‘aborted’ children and raise them themselves.
These are direct quotes taken from an undercover video at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The video was shot by Live Action Films.
To clarify: The fetus does have a head. It does have a brain. It does have arms. It does have a heart. It does have legs.
The Planned Parenthood employee was either misinformed or chose to be untruthful.
To clarify: Approximately 555,000 married American couples seek to adopt. But only 22,000 infants are adopted. These stats come from the National Council for Adoption.
The Planned Parenthood employee was either misinformed or chose to be untruthful.
Take a few minutes and watch the film below.
I wrote a piece that appeared in the Des Moines Register on Super Bowl Sunday. You’ll find the column below.
It expressed my concerns on the high abortion rate in the African-American community.
It expressed my advocacy for passage of “The Woman’s Right to Know” legislation.
This type of legislation requires women to undergo an ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the fetus before getting an abortion.
Such legislation was passed in Oklahoma. The Center for Reproductive Rights, a pro-abortion group, is aghast. They say the law forces women to hear about information that is irrelevant to her medical care, like does the fetus have a heart, a brain, arms, and legs.
Evidence of the fetus’ humanity is irrelevant to pro abortion groups. However, this kind of evidence is apparently very important to pregnant women. Among women planning an abortion, nine out of ten who view an ultrasound of the baby in their womb change their mind. The sight of an object with arms, legs, and a head opens their minds and hearts to the reality that they carry a person in their womb, not a blob of formless cells.
After the column below appeared in the Des Moines Register, a Planned Parenthood spokesperson responded as follows: “Suggesting that the Women’s Right to Know Act would help reduce abortion in the African-American community is insulting. That implies that women of color are incapable of or unable to make this very personal, difficult decision. In reality, this bill is designed to shame women, to intimidate them when they are in a vulnerable situation.”
The video above says it all. Planned Parenthood personnel may not always be trustworthy with the facts about the fetus. They insult their clients (regardless of their color) by withholding critical information on the most important decision a woman will ever make: whether or not to terminate the life of the baby in her womb.
In fact, withholding information of this nature is more than an insult, it is criminal.
Peggy Hamill, State Director of Pro Life Wisconsin, knows how important accurate information is to pregnant women:
“As a sidewalk counselor at Milwaukee Planned Parenthoods, I have had post-abortion women fall apart in my arms, sobbing, immediately regretting their abortions. Nothing can prepare a woman for an abortion. This new footage reconfirms that Planned Parenthood is not providing women with complete, accurate medical information about their developing baby, much less the after effects of the abortion ‘procedure.'”
A Woman’s Right to Know legislation is a compassionate way to stem the abortion epidemic that particularly afflicts the African-American community. Yes, it would impact Planned Parenthood’s profits. Perhaps that’s why they’re so opposed to this type of legislation.
Encourage legislators in your state to pass A Women’s Right to Know bill next session. Do it in the name of compassion.