A victory for the little people
By Tom Quiner
Look at the photo of the human embryo above. It is about 33 days old. To simplify discussion of important recent events regarding its future, let’s give it a name.
How about if we call it Jesus.
U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth has stopped President Obama in his tracks in his desire to use Jesus for scientific experimentation.
A little background: President Bush II established limits on embryonic stem cell research which were immediately dismantled when Mr. Obama was elected.
President Obama talked about the need for “protecting free and open inquiry.” He talked about the need for letting scientists “do their jobs, free from manipulation and coercion, and listening to what they tell us, even when it’s inconvenient.” He lifted Mr. Bush’s ban.
There’s a problem. He wants Jesus’s stem cells. He wants scientists to prod and poke and ultimately destroy Jesus in the hope of finding cures for diseases, regardless of the loss of humanity involved in such an undertaking. The ends justify the means.
There’s another problem: it’s illegal. So says Judge Lamberth. Federal monies cannot be used to destroy human embryos. The ban “encompasses all ‘research in which’ an embryo is destroyed, not just the ‘piece of research’ in which the embryo is destroyed.”
Jesus has gotten a reprieve for now.
When some folks hear the name Jesus, they think of the “Word become flesh.” One of those people is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She waxed eloquent about her belief in the Word at a recent press conference.
For non-Christians reading this article, the Word became flesh when the Virgin Mary conceived Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. However, when Ms. Pelosi was asked to clarify at what point Jesus had a “right to life,” she refused to answer.
Ms. Pelosi and President Obama both need to answer that question. Mr. Obama’s religious affiliation is open to some debate. I believe the President has answered quite adequately: he’s a Christian. He believes that the Word became flesh.
Exactly when, Mr. President and Madame Speaker, did Jesus get a “right to life?” If not at conception, when?
While the two most powerful elected officials in America ponder that question, let us cheer Judge Lamberth for this victory for the little people.