More fallout from Obamacare

By Tom Quiner


“When people better understand the Affordable Care Act, they’ll understand, I think, that this isn’t something being done to them but is something that’s really going to be valuable to them.’’

This was the President’s recent defense of the Affordable Care Act, also know as ObamaCare.

The law mandates elimination of lifetime coverage limits.  Sounds good, right?

The law mandates “free” immunization for children. Sounds good, right?

The law eliminates co-pays for mammograms and some preventative care. Sounds good, right?

The law bars insurers from denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions. It all sounds wonderful, right?

What the law does is increase the price of health insurance. Does it still sound so good? Aetna and Regency Blue Cross Blue Shield are jacking up rates due to increased costs. Here in Des Moines, Principal is getting out of the entire health insurance business because, according to the New York Times:

“The company’s decision reflected its assessment of its ability to compete in the environment created by the new law. More insurers are likely to follow Principal’s lead.’’

Over six-hundred more jobs will be lost in a city already stung by layoffs.

Speaker Pelosi infamously stated that “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.’’

As we find out what’s in it, we’re increasingly stung by how bad it is.

Please remember, this was a totally partisan bill. Not a single Republican voted for it.

Please remember, Democrats celebrated when they passed Obamacare.

Please remember, that Iowa’s own Leonard Boswell voted for the bill.

Now Congressman Boswell makes unsavory personal attacks on his rival, Brad Zaun, who would have voted against the bill.

Now the only Democrats who mention the bill in their campaign ads are those who voted against it. South Dakota Congressional candidate, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, sounds more like a Republican than a Democrat in her ad above. Look hard for her party affiliation. You won’t find it.

President Obama and his party have inflicted a grave wound on this country’s health care system. It all sounded so good at the time.