In today’s news: porn is good, God is bad
By Tom Quiner
Prayer is harmful for students.
On the other hand, porn is good for inmates.
This is the strange dichotomy presented to us today by agents of the Democratic Party.
Let’s start in Texas. There, Chief U.S. District Judge Fred Biery ruled that the Medina Valley Independent School District may not allow a prayer at their graduation ceremonies. Even more, the judge, will not allow certain words and phrases to be uttered by anyone during the ceremony because they will offend a son of atheist parents who filed a law school against the district. The parents, Christa and Danny Schultz, said this God talk will do “irreparable harm” to their son.
These are some of the words and phrases that Judge Biery will not allow to be uttered in order to prevent irreparable harm to the atheists present:
• in [a deity’s name] we pray
• join in prayer
• bow our heads
• amen
• prayer
He forced the district to remove the words “invocation” and “benediction” from the graduation program. He threatened jail time and other sanctions should any of his wishes be violated.
The good judge was appointed by President Clinton, a Democrat.
Meanwhile, over in South Carolina, another Democratic pressure group, the ACLU, are in court to protect the rights of inmates to consume porn.
For the record, the ACLU denies that is their intent. They’re upset that the Berkeley County Detention Center in Moncks Corner, S.C. allows inmates to read paperback Bibles and not much else.
The prison runs a tight ship. No publications with staples are allowed, because the staples can be used as a weapon. And they want to keep all suggestive content and photos away from inmates to keep them from getting too riled up. Many female correction officers are employed at the prison. But the ACLU’s injunction was so broadly written that prison officials claim it will open the door to porn should they prevail.
Here’s what we’re left with: agents of the Democratic Party want to limit free speech for students and expand it for inmates; they want to remove God from the public square at the same time they want to introduce more porn into the prison population.
Porn is good?
God is bad?
That’s the takeway thoughts for today, brought to us by the political left.
Have a nice weekend.