“Imagine there’s no liberals …”
By Tom Quiner
Brighten up your Thursday morning with this delicious parody of John Lennon’s song, “Imagine.”
I think this comes to us from Rush Limbaugh, but I discovered it on a delightful blog called “The Mad Jewess” (http://themadjewess.com). This is a site by patriotic American girls. Their slogan is: “We are extremely intolerant of Leftists, Atheists, Progressives, NAZIs, #OWS, O-BOTS, Paulans, and Godless FREAKS!”
So be forewarned! Tell them Quiner’s Diner sent you.
If there were no liberals, we would have a country
If you think about it, the liberals of 50s and 60s would probably look like right wing whackos to the Left of today. They have lurched so far left and pulled the Dems with them, the party is unrecognizable, except perhaps in Cuba. I’m honored to have you stop into Quiner’s Diner. Please come again!