The “Bubba Watson for President” movement grows!
By Tom Quiner
Quiner’s Diner was the first credible blog to dangle Bubba Watson’s name as a potential presidential candidate (“Bubba Watson for President?”).
Mr. Watson, of course, is the new Masters Golf Tournament champion.
Now Politico has jumped on the bandwagon with coverage of Mr. Watson’s growing presidential ambitions, (“Bubba Watson eyes the White House”), perhaps encouraged by this humble blog’s endorsement.
Asked about his aspirations, Bubba said,
“I keep defying the odds, you know. If my career ended today it would be a pretty good career and it would have been pretty fun. You know what? I would like to announce I’m gonna run for president or vice president with the governor [Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, who also appeared on ‘Morning Joe’] if he accepts.
Yesterday, it was Quiner’s Diner.
Today, it is Politico.
Who knows, tomorrow it may be the Wall Street Journal.
Keep reading. The Bubba Watson movement is snowballing.