Why don’t we ever have tax increases expire?
By Tom Quiner
Have you ever heard of a liberal program expiring?
Social Security? No.
Medicare? No.
Medicaid? No.
Tax increases? No.
Liberal programs expand … and expand … and well, they eventually bust the bank.
Then there’s the “Bush Tax Cuts.”
Why in the world do they expire and require contentious extensions?
I propose we turn it around. When we pass a tax increase, make it expire in five years. Make Democrats make the case why we need to extract more money from producers and redistribute it.
Maybe there’s a good reason. Let’s have a healthy debate on why government needs to take more money from its citizens.
Sunset laws help to prevent government from expanding exponentially forever.
We’ve tried that. It doesn’t work.
I hadn’t even noticed that before. No wonder American society has been moving further and further to the left.