The Speech I’d Like to Hear

The life issue is my passion. I am the board president of Pulse Life Advocates. Pulse Life Advocates wrote and produced this speech because of the paucity of thoughtful and inspirational pro-life speeches this election cycle. And yet abortion is the most important issue our country faces. Abortion violates America’s Creed of immutable fundamental rights…

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Ten reasons I may vote Trump/Republican this November


By Thomas J. Maly 1. I have wonderful neighbors.  They are welcome in my home almost anytime.  However, I have this quaint notion that they should knock and not just come in without permission.  Seems to me our country should expect no less.  A precondition for meaningful immigration reform is a secure border for our country. …

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The myth of the single issue pro-life voter

Quiner's Diner

“How can you vote for that man and that party?”

the daughter sobbed hysterically to her shellshocked parents.

“You’re nothing but a single issue pro-life voter. I can’t even talk with you right now!”

In a conversation between a group of pro-lifers, the scenario above was reported not once, not twice, but three times. Has anything like this happened to you?

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Fr. James Altman says the stakes are high when you vote

“You cannot be Catholic and be a Democrat. Period.”

These pointed words are stated by Fr. James Altman (above) from the Diocese of La Crosse, WI, in a video burning up the internet. More than a quarter of a million people have watched it on YouTube alone. Fr. Altman will surely get some pushback from some of his fellow clerics, even though Catholic Church documents, such as the Catechism of the Catholic Church, state that Catholics can’t directly support certain issues such as abortion.

We’ll leave it to them to wrangle over the sensitive issue of forming consciences of faithful citizenship.

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The complicated legacy of Margaret Sanger

The American landscape is littered with fallen statues of notable historical figures tainted with the stench of racism. A notable statue still stands at the Smithsonian Museum’s National Portrait Gallery in Washington D.C., that of Margaret Sanger.

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“You are hypocritical”

Our May 7th blogpost, “How much is a human life worth,” generated some pushback with this response: “You hit the nail on the head when you called the fetuses “unborn humans.” Until they are born, they are not humans, but potential humans. Why do you never talk about stillborns? Approximately 0.6% of all births are…

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