“I think you are scum.”
By Tom Quiner
I got that little love letter last night.
Thankfully, the woman who wrote it wasn’t my wife. Rather, it was a reader of Quiner’s Diner.
She evidently took issue with my post last night inviting the world to dine at Chick-Fil-A today.
My dictionary defines scum as follows:
“People of a class that one regards with profound contempt.”
Let’s deconstruct the elements of my post to see what I said that may have relegated me to a contemptible class:
1. I quoted the mission statement of Chick-Fil-A which states their allegiance to Christian orthodoxy.
2. I recounted the words and actions of three liberal mayors who forcefully stated that they would not tolerate diversity, tolerance, and inclusion when it involved practicing Christians, such as the Chick-Fil-A organization.
3. I stated that liberals are intolerant because these mayors’ actions were, you gotta admit, kind of intolerant.
Perhaps I went too far on this last point. Not all liberals are intolerant. Some are sincerely uncomfortable with the religious bigotry demonstrated by their leaders.
You just don’t hear from them. But I’m sure they’re out there.
Let me turn this entire incident around. Starbucks supports same-sex marriage. Imagine if a conservative mayor of a city said we don’t want your kind in our city because you don’t represent “our kind of values.”
Imagine the outcry.
What’s interesting is Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy never said what he’s against. He simply stated what he’s for: traditional Christian marriage between a man and a woman.
I guess that makes him scum.
So when you hear the words diversity, tolerance, and inclusion drip from the lips of a liberal, you know it’s all a con.
As for me, I’m going to have some Chick-Fil-A dripping from lips today.
Join me!
The funny thing is that no one has ever accused Chick-fil-A of actually discriminating against gay people. They hire gay people. They serve gay people. They don’t discriminate against anyone. So the owners’ “crime” is purely a thought crime. This is truly Orwellian stuff.
Very good point. The Left is more concerned with feelings and thoughts than actions.
I guess I know where we will be eating lunch today. Thanks for the reminder.
Enjoy and spread the word.
If I were closer, I would have joined you. I may not agree with you on gay marriage, but I definitely will always stand up for Freedom of Speech.
You can’t believe the scene, Bob. It took me three hours for lunch today. Thousands showed up! I will post photos and write about it shortly. Thanks for your sentiments.
I have loved Chick-fil-A since I was a college student working in the mall in Sioux City. I admired their closed-on-Sunday policy. I craved it when I was pregnant. But today was the best CFA meal I ever had.
And I didn’t see (or hear-a lot of time to chat with people I didn’t know in that line) a single hater. Not one.
You know, that’s a good point. I talked to a lot of folks, and they were great people who simply love God. That’s what hit me … they were very faithful, very kind, very loving in their outlook toward their fellow man.
Most liberals are tolerant about almost everything except with people who disagree with them.
That’s what this scumbag thinks!