Joe Biden brings judgement upon himself
By Tom Quiner
I received this tart response this morning:
“Who the heck are you to sit and evaluate the validity of another person’s commitment or adherence to their religion? What’s next, an evaluation of how well Mitt Romney follows Mormon dogma?”
The writer takes me to task for my recent post, “The character chasm between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan.”
I responded as follows:
“I certainly don’t know anything about Mormon dogma.
I do know something about Catholic dogma, as a man who tries to seriously practice his Catholic faith.
The Catholic Church has made it clear that human life begins at conception. Joe Biden has made it clear that he doesn’t care, by accepting human abortion as a fundamental American right. My Church sits in judgement of Mr. Biden on this issue. What separates us from animals is our ability to make moral judgements, to be able to discern what is right from wrong.
If we believe that killing innocent human life is intrinsically evil, as does the Church, and we don’t condemn it, and if we don’t try to change it, then we have sacrificed the essence of our humanity.”
Joe Biden, a self-professed Catholic, brings judgement upon himself by so publicly opposing Catholic principle in the public square.
Amen, Tom!
In a debate setting, I can usually sit down with a theist and discuss religious philosophies. It has been my experience however that when I sit down with two or more theists to discuss specific scriptures and / or doctrine, the debates become much more heated – between the theists.
My assumption is that I (being an atheist) am just misguided or have lost my way. A fellow theist should be able to see the real truth. Do you have any insight into this?
Please answer me this: Why don’t Catholics condemn divorce (especially no-fault divorce) the same as same-sex marriage? Jesus never spoke of homosexuality (and even Paul’s stand can be debated). Jesus spoke out several times against divorce – he saw it as adultery.
Canon law is absolute about divorce: Can. 1141 A marriage that is ratum et consummatum can be dissolved by no human power and by no cause, except death.
The Catholic Catechism states as well: 1640 Thus the marriage bond has been established by God himself in such a way that a marriage concluded and consummated between baptized persons can never be dissolved. This bond, which results from the free human act of the spouses and their consummation of the marriage, is a reality, henceforth irrevocable, and gives rise to a covenant guaranteed by God’s fidelity. the Church does not have the power to contravene this disposition of divine wisdom.
The teaching is clear if not seemingly so intensely preached. Keep in mind the issue is remarriage primarily. Seperation is a logistical matter. The divorce or seperation is a civil question in law, but a moral matter for the good of the life of the spouses as well as their responsibility to their children..
The divorce rate in this country is staggering, and I think most would agree that it has a very negative effect, especially with children.
My point is I have never seen anyone protest against it. No vigils are held outside divorce lawyers offices. The Vatican didn’t reprimand the American Nuns for remaining silent on the “divorce issue”. I have yet to meet or even read about a Catholic who shows concern about people outside their church getting divorced; especially when compared to the outrage produced by same-sex marriage.
I am looking for clarification as to why that is.
Our issue is with the change in the laws that we believe will have a negative effect on society. We can’t control divorce and we can’t control individual sin. Within the church and in the lives of individuals, the church is hopefully doing everything it can to lesson the horrible rate of divorce in this country.
But legally, with the advent of no-fault divorce, along with a lot of other negative things in our society, the cat is unfortunately out of the bag on that one and all the church can do is try to work within the lives of individuals.
What exactly would the protest be? Protesting so that divorce isn’t allowed? That doesn’t make any sense and I don’t think it is a good comparison. We can’t end divorce any more than we can outlaw gay sex. We simply don’t want to end centuries of tradition with a law that will change the face of our society for good.
Now if no-fault divorce laws were on the table now and up for a vote, I believe you would find Catholics doing everything they could to prevent it.
The retort that I am personally against it, but politically for it, is totally against the principle of voting by conscience. The way to vote is at least by absentee ballot. A Catholic politician cannot vote for FOR an intrinsic evil.