More women “go green” with their bodies

By Lisa Schmidt

Have you’ve seen this image floating around cyberspace lately?

(Hat tip:

It reminds me of my postpartum checkup a few months ago. While reviewing my chart, the doctor noticed I had written “Natural Family Planning!” in the box that asks about birth control.

Doctor asks, “What made you decide to use natural family planning?”

And my response? “Oh … because I don’t want to … you know … digest something the World Health Organization labels as a Group I Carcinogen … you know … the same label given to asbestos and tobacco.”

Conversation killer.

Lately I’ve been approached by a handful of women, non-Catholics, wanting to know more about this thing we call natural family planning. Many are now experiencing side effects from taking the pill for so many years. In the words of one woman, “There has to be a better way.”

There is, my friend!

It’s been written here before, and I’ll state it again. NFP is all-natural, doesn’t cost anything, and doesn’t harm any part of the bodies God gave us. We work WITH the fertility God established within us. There are so many detrimental physical and spiritual side effects of artificial contraceptives and sterilizations that aren’t widely publicized. Do your research (Read: 6 Things I’ve Learned Since Dumping the Pill). Learn about NFP methods here.
Oh, and maybe the best news yet. Des Moines women and families can now receive care from an NFP-only doc, Dr. Greg McKernan at Vitae Family Care Clinic! I’m looking forward to not having to answer those skeptical “why NFP” questions. God bless Dr. McKernan and all involved with Vitae Family Care.
[Thanks to Lisa Schmidt, co-publisher of “The Practicing Catholic” along with her husband, Joel, for allowing me to re-blog her recent post.]