Will Democrats listen to God?

By Tom Quiner

CARDINAL TIMOTHY DOLAN prays at the Democratic National Convention

Rank and file Democrats bristled at having God rammed back into their party platform by the president.

Here’s the question: how did they feel about the closing benediction by Cardinal Timothy Dolan?

This, the most prominent Catholic in America, harkened God powerfully:

“Let us Pray.

Almighty God, father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, revealed to us so powerfully in your Son, Jesus Christ, we thank you for showering your blessings upon this our beloved nation. Bless all here present, and all across this great land, who work hard for the day when a greater portion of your justice, and a more ample measure of your care for the poor and suffering, may prevail in these United States. Help us to see that a society’s greatness is found above all in the respect it shows for the weakest and neediest among us.”

Sounds pretty good so far, but some may have been getting nervous by referencing the “weakest and neediest among us.” Democrats exclude broad swaths from their definition of what is weak and needy. Then Cardinal Dolan invoked the National Creed:

“We beseech you, almighty God to shed your grace on this noble experiment in ordered liberty, which began with the confident assertion of inalienable rights bestowed upon us by you: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

As liberal hearts began to bristle at the arcane notion that a right-to-life is a God-given right, Cardinal Dolan’s prayer spelled it out:

“Thus do we praise you for the gift of life. Grant us the courage to defend it, life, without which no other rights are secure. We ask your benediction on those waiting to be born, that they may be welcomed and protected. Strengthen our sick and our elders waiting to see your holy face at life’s end, that they may be accompanied by true compassion and cherished with the dignity due those who are infirm and fragile.”

Cardinal Dolan displeased many on the political right for attending the Democrat’s convention, just as he did to those on the Left by praying at the Republican’s show.

I am proud to see him attend both. I am proud to hear him raise up the dignity of human life at all stages in his beautiful benediction.

He says that “no rights are secure” if life isn’t protected. Democrats not only refuse to protect God’s preborn, they collaborate in their destruction by blocking pro life legislation and advancing legislation to force taxpayers to fund the killing.

This is a non-negotiable principle of the Catholic Church, and one embraced as immutable by so many of our Protestant brothers and sisters.

There is no justification for voting for candidates who so aggressively undermine the dignity of human life. The counter argument, that Republicans want to gut social programs, is nonsense. In fact, Paul Ryan’s budget exceeds George W. Bush’s final budget, the same one then-candidate Barack Obama castigated (with justification) for running up the national debt.

So how did Cardinal Dolans’ prayer play in liberal land? Not well, if Twitter is any gauge. Here are a few of the hundreds of remarks that exploded from the angry keyboards of the Democratic faithful, as reported by LifeNews.com:

BETH: “Glad I’m not watching Cardinal Dolan, because f*&% that guy.”

JASON LINDQUIST: “Side note: Yeah, f*&% Cardinal Dolan.”

PECOS ROY BEAN: “F*&% you Dolan. And a gender bender to boot!

VOTING FEMALE:  “F*&% you Dolan”

JOHN CARROLL: “I love that I follow people who told Dolan to go f*&% himself. F*&% the haters.”

@DOZING_REVERSE: “What the F*&% is Timothy Dolan doing there? I was so inspired – then I wanted to vomit. Thank god it turned off.

JOSHUA EATON: “I grew up Catholic, converted to Buddhism, and still love Jesus, Mary, and religion in general. But Dolan can f*&% off.”

XTIAN PAULA: “The f*&% is this? Why does the DNC end in a prayer? Ugh, and it had to be Tim Dolan.”

In fairness, these profane hotheads do not necessarily represent rank and file Democratic voters. I think Cardinal Dolan’s prayer will resonate with many on both sides of the aisle. Let us pray that it does for the sake of human life.

Will Democrats listen to God?

Will Republicans?

Let us pray.


  1. Bob Vance on September 7, 2012 at 3:03 pm

    The “Nuns on the Bus” lady was very popular.

    • quinersdiner on September 7, 2012 at 3:07 pm

      Yes she was. What we didn’t know when she began her tour here in Des Moines at my parish, is that there were actually only two nuns on the bus, the rest were journalists, and that the tour was funded by George Soros.

      • Lisa Bourne on September 8, 2012 at 2:22 pm

        …… But hey, those wonderful, God-fearing, Church-loving, saintly nuns (all two of them) represented the voice of the Church, or so the slanted media, and others complicit, perpetrated …

  2. Bob Zimmerman on September 7, 2012 at 3:43 pm

    Regarding the Tweets… As always, it seems that the most vulgar and hateful are also the loudest… And often represent a minority! In this case I certainly hope so.

    • quinersdiner on September 7, 2012 at 3:57 pm

      Yes, I think they represent the loud-mouthed fringe.

  3. onetenthblog on September 7, 2012 at 8:41 pm

    “In fairness, these profane hotheads do not necessarily represent rank and file Democratic voters. I think Cardinal Dolan’s prayer will resonate with many on both sides of the aisle. Let us pray that it does for the sake of human life.”

    God-fearing Dems should come out of their closets. Abandon your cult of personalities. It’s funny how conservative some of them really are, but the notion of being a party faithful irks.

    • quinersdiner on September 7, 2012 at 9:29 pm

      I know so many who won’t, because they view the party that aborts the “little guy” to be the party of the little guy.

      • onetenthblog on September 8, 2012 at 10:33 pm

        “I know so many who won’t, because they view the party that aborts the “little guy” to be the party of the little guy.”

        I won’t speak for the donkeys, and I won’t speak as an elephant. (Even though I already told you that my position on abortion, in past post, is very near to that of the GOP)

        As for the seriousness of this election, here’s today’s HEADLINE over @ cnbc: “China Sounds Alarm on Global Economy at APEC Summit”. Now, for someone living in the Philippines or Russia or Japan, looking for clues, intelligent folks must be asking themselves who exactly is in the front seat of the car? (Where’s Geithner?)

        If there’s a crisis of confidence, as the Chinese Gov’t is telling the world, exporters from Philippines, Russia or Japan wouldn’t care less whether the Prez is a Dem or a Republican. What matter for them, most, is whether the American Prez can make the American market competitive once more.

        Everyone wants America to succeed because more and more jobs and livelihood– not just in N. America– rely on an American recovery.

  4. abcinsc on September 8, 2012 at 8:43 am

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Profanity, also known as swearing, cursing, coarse language, foul speech, strong language, dirty words, ‘cussing’, bad words, bad language, adult language, vulgar language, inappropriate language or simply language, is language that is strongly impolite or offensive in many situations.

    It can show a desecration or debasement of someone or something, or show strong or intense emotion. Profanity can take the form of words, expressions, gestures (such as flipping the middle finger), or other social behaviors that are construed or interpreted as insulting, rude, vulgar, obscene, obnoxious, foul, desecrating, or other forms.

    Isaiah 6.5 – “Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips;
    For my eyes have seen the King, The Lord of hosts.”