Another Catholic Bishop warns against Democrat’s policies
“I am concerned about a culture that has become increasingly callous about the radical abortion license, and a legal system that affords more protection to endangered species of plants and animals than to unborn babies.” –Timothy Cardinal Dolan
A blogger today ping-ed a pro-life post of mine, and fair enough (the ping) directed me to ANOTHER pro-abortion, pro-choice article.
Consider this, it said, consider… CON-SIDER.
It is fair to say that if you ask someone to consider a position, on this abortion debate, then it’s legitimately fair to expect that there should be no dishonesty; that the arguments for consideration should be comprehensible. Yet, the blogger made no mention of Planned Parenthood, a multi-billion dollar public access service that is the lightning rod of the pro-life supporters this time around.
AND ask any pro-life supporter, and they’ll tell you that any debate on abortion with no mention of Planned Parenthood is disingenuous.