Shall we dance?

By Tom Quiner

I read this post from a Facebook friend eight days ago:

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I am so thankful for everything,,,,even the dust bunnies and crumbs. ALL IS GOOD WHEN YOU’RE WITH LOVED ONES : )

The 37 year old woman who wrote it unexpectedly died yesterday. She leaves behind a husband and a third-grader, extended family and friends.

A shocking death to one so young makes us pause and realize how precious life is. It encourages us to savor each minute. I think it reminds us to drink in the beauty of the people we encounter each day. These friends, these family members may not be here tomorrow. We may not be here tomorrow, so we’d better not waste today.

It’s easy to get mired down in conflict. Jesus encourages us to resolve conflict, to rise above it, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

I like that.

Jesus tells us to love, to forgive, to follow Him. When we do, death becomes a short-lived sting, because so much more awaits us beyond this life.

I like that.

The great songwriting duo of George and Ira Gershwin wrote a song called “Shall we dance?” To me, it’s an ode to life. Ira’s lyrics perfectly capture the formula for day to day living:


Drop that long face. Come on. Have your fling.
Why keep nursing the blues?

If you want this old world on a string,
Put on your dancing shoes. Stop wasting time.
Put on your dancing shoes. Watch your spirits climb.

Shall we dance, or keep on moping?
Shall we dance and walk on air?
Shall we give in to despair?
Or shall we dance with never a care?

Life is short. We’re growing older.
Don’t you be an also ran.
You’ve got to dance, little lady. Dance, little man.
Dance whenever you can.


My condolences go out to the family of this wife and mother, who now walks with Jesus in heaven.

My prayers are with them as are those of all the angels and the saints.

It is obvious, based on her Facebook quote, that she lived her life fully and with a heart full of gratitude. Her words will stick with me.

Life is beautiful. Life is short. Life is precious.

I am reminded today not to waste a moment of it.

Shall we dance?



  1. Embattled Farmers on December 1, 2012 at 1:04 am

    Thank you for the excellent reminder. We all need to dance — and sing — when we can, even if we’re not Fred and Ginger. It’s very sad about her child having to grow up without a mom.