The Media’s contraception collusion

By Tom Quiner


“My generation thinks Romney and the Republicans are wrong on women’s issues.”

The thirty-something woman who said this to me over Thanksgiving voted for Mr. Romney. I tried to clarify what she meant by “women’s issues.”



She bristled when I said Democrat’s viewed human creation as a disease.

Our conversation got cut short, and I decided there was no upside to pursuing it further.

Contraception has not been a part of our political dialogue for a long while, at least not until January of this year when it became a manufactured political issue by George Stephanopoulos.

He asked Mitt Romney if states had a right to ban contraception.

He wouldn’t let go. His goal was obviously to pin Mitt Romney down into stating that, yes, states do have that Constitutional right.

Romney didn’t take the bait. You can watch the exchange above.

Nonetheless, Stephanopoulos accomplished the mission of the media: to plant the seed that somehow lurking in the recesses of dastardly Republican minds was the goal of banning contraception.

A non-issue was made into a new national issue for a single reason: to grease the skids for President Obama’s HHS Mandate that forced religious institutions to provide contraception coverage in their health insurance plans in violation of their religious conscience.

One doesn’t have to be overly cynical to suspect that Mr. Stephanopolous, a former political operative for Bill Clinton, was in the Obama loop and was setting the stage to reposition the contraception argument.

With the media carrying water for him, the HHS Mandate was transformed from a religious freedom issue to a women’s rights issue.

The Stephanopoulos maneuver is a textbook example of the bias of the MSM.

The election may have been decided by this single exchange.



  1. skyedog27 on November 23, 2012 at 1:01 pm

    Interesting that you should bring this up and blog about it. I was just saying exactly the same to my husband the other day when this discussion came up. The whole contraception controversy was a plant and the fact that 50% or more women were dumb enough to buy into it makes me embarrassed for my gender. In fact, that so many women absolutely stand on the “holy grail” of unfettered sex and abortion claiming it makes them enlightened and free is a testimony to how far we’ve fallen morally. There was a time, in the not so long ago, that women upheld motherhood and marriage before sex. If that makes me an old foggie, well cheers. I’m all over it, for it and hope the idea returns full circle.

  2. irishsignora on November 23, 2012 at 1:23 pm

    At 41, I suppose I would be a member of that lady’s generation, and I have to tell you that there is a surge of interest among women my age and younger in NFP. It is, somewhat unsurprisingly, the organic-everything crowd where I find the most interest; these women take a deep interest in the effects that the excreted remnants of chemical contraceptives may be having on the environment. It’s been quite heartening to me to note that several secular humanist acquaintances who are passionate environmentalists have contacted me to get information about NFP and the names of NFP-friendly ob-gyns. Apparently, stewardship is the common ground here. Peace be with you, Mr. Quiner. I hope you had a joyful Thanksgiving and that your preferred football teams win this weekend (as long as they’re not playing Notre Dame or the Ravens). — Kelly

    • quinersdiner on November 23, 2012 at 3:37 pm

      Great to hear from you. Thanks for this very interesting take on NFP. I may have to write about this in the near future. As far as this weekend goes: Go Colts & go Broncos!