Pope Francis advises politicians

By Tom Quiner

common good venn diagram (3)

Republicans and Democrats should weigh the words of newly elected Pope Francis:

“Politics is a noble activity. We should revalue it, practise it with vocation and a dedication that requires testimony, martyrdom, that is to die for the common good.”

I suppose we can read what we want into this quote.

Republicans will say that “Democrats need to compromise for the sake of the common good.”

Democrats will say, “no, it is Republicans who need to compromise for the sake of the common good.”

Both are probably right, depending on the issue, I suppose.

Let’s work backwards. The pope calls for them to die for the “common good.” What is the common good? Don’t you think this is a topic that should be discussed at some length?

The two parties seem to have a real disconnect on what they consider the common good. Pope Francis calls for testimony, a sharing of one’s deepest beliefs.

If you are a Republican, are you willing to be a martyr? If yes, for what?

Same goes for Democrats.

Let us have a conversation with the men and women who run this nation. What is the common good, and are you willing to die for it, as did our forefathers? Or should we insist that our posterity make all the sacrifice?



1 Comment

  1. theintrepidpage on March 15, 2013 at 4:42 pm

    What is meant by the “common good” is a very important question to raise- and one that is too often dismissed by some conservatives, because of our opposition to collectivism. I wrote a post that describes St. Thomas Aquinas’ position on the common good, in relation to social justice: http://thedemocracyofthedead.wordpress.com/2012/05/05/social-justice-and-conservatism/