The Bronze Brunette takes on Quiner’s Diner

By Tom Quiner

The Bronze Brunette comes on strong:

“It is my opinion (and will continue to be my opinion) that every woman should have her right to choose.”

She is a reader of Quiner’s Diner, and I thank her for that. I checked out her blog and share some thoughts from this Canadian college student:

[Human] “abortion is obviously part of that choice, she has a right to refuse pregnancy. Why not just let us live? Why must you impose your moral and religious beliefs on us, when we so evidently want nothing to do with them?”

Let me pause here. She poses the question, “why not just let us live?” The response is obvious. Her fetus asks the same question of her mother: “why not just let me live, Mom?”

The Bronze Brunette then tries to end the debate by suggesting that a pro life position is all about religion.

It’s not.

Religious people can certainly make a credible case for Life on theological and philosophical grounds.

But secularists can make an equally compelling case on secular grounds.

The young lady is defensive about her position:

“But fine, if you want to tell me that I’m a slut to think this is right or that I wasn’t brought up properly, bring it on. If embracing a woman’s reproductive right to choose makes me a slut, I’m one of the biggest whores out there, and that’s the honest truth.”

You know, name-calling doesn’t do anyone any good. I am very saddened, though, by her position which is destructive to at least three people: the mom, the dad, and the child whose life is taken.

She suggests that we can’t impose moral beliefs on others. Since when? Morality is all about distinguishing right from wrong. It is what distinguishes us from animals and bugs.

Down through history, mankind has considered it a moral evil to kill another human being without just cause. So unless the Bronze Brunette is comfortable with the killing of innocent human beings, and I don’t think she is, we are left a very simple question: is the entity a woman carries in her womb a human being?

The Bronze Brunette herself answers the question:

“I will never think it’s killing, because it’s not. I respect women who have had the confidence and respect themselves enough to say, “I’m not ready for a child.”

By using the term “child,” the Bronze Brunette acknowledges the humanity of the human being, the person, in her mother’s womb. And every government on the planet has laws on the book that make the killing of an innocent human being a crime.

Being pro life isn’t necessarily a religious position.

It isn’t necessarily a conservative position.

It’s a human position.

Humans are better than animals because we know right from wrong. And we know that the child (the Bronze Brunette’s word) in the womb has a human mother, a human father, and her own, unique, human DNA.

So we know she is human.

Human abortion on the basis that a woman “isn’t ready for a child” isn’t a reason at all. Killing in the name of inconvenience is not a very human thing to do, especially when there are thousands of parents eager to adopt.

If you think about it, the Bronze Brunette is the same person at conception as she is she is at birth, as she is now, and as she will be when she is 99 years old.

She’ll have the same DNA.

She’ll possess the same human dignity.

She is simply at a different point in her development.

All of her human potential was in place at the instant her parents conceived her.

But the Bronze Brunette appears to be inflexible:

“So again, I will not apologize for my moral and ethical beliefs. If you want to challenge me on this, bring it on. This does not make me a murderer, child-killer, or even a slut. It makes me a liberal, a democrat, who believes every woman should have a choice.”

… every woman, of course, except for the female still in the womb.


  1. Karen Quiner on May 5, 2013 at 2:54 pm

    I challenge the bronze brunette to watch a late term abortion and tell me if she still feels the same way. Or, the next time she goes in for an abortion, or encourages a friend to do so, to have the courage to take a look at an ultrasound first. If you are so sure of your position, you will have the courage to do this.

    I would also encourage her to read Abby Johnsons story. Abby was the head of a large abortion clinic for 8 years until the day she assisted with an abortion. She saw the baby try to move away from the cannula, she heard the doctor so callously say “beam me up Scotty” before he sucked the live child out of the womb, she saw the baby writhe in pain, and at that moment, Abby knew she had been complicit in a great evil and was overcome with horror.

    I don’t care what you tell me bronze brunette, you know it is wrong. If you have any humanity in you, your gut tells you it is wrong. Natural law will tell you that mothers don’t kill their young. Natural law tells mothers to protect their young at all costs. You don’t need religion to know this.

  2. tannngl on May 5, 2013 at 3:23 pm

    • quinersdiner on May 5, 2013 at 3:30 pm

      Some would say at birth. But the Gosnell crowd would disagree. Some would say at viability. Some would say when the fetus (the little one) can feel pain. Some would say when the heart beat begins. But these are all arbitrary. As your question suggests, human life begins at the instant of conception. Thanks for writing.

  3. Lisa Bourne on May 5, 2013 at 5:44 pm

    The term “choice” when used to provide cover for abortion, the intentional taking of a human life, is a dishonest one.

    Abortion is, plain and simple, to taking of a life.

    One does not need to expand with detail such as saying “murder” or qualifying with “innocent life,” or point out the circumstance that is often in play where it is the intentional taking of a life for convenience sake.

    It is the taking of a life.

    Whether the scenario is someone in the situation of intercourse with someone they should not be, someone who is careless with their planned birth control, someone who is the victim of planned parenthood’s shell game of lesser dosages of oral contraception for the purpose of garnering more abortion revenue down the line, a simple failure of birth control, a case of rape or incest, or someone who, although she is “confident” and “respects herself,” “is not ready for a child,” it matters not; because it is still the taking of an unborn life.

    This is not and cannot be justified.

    RE: “It is my opinion (and will continue to be my opinion) that every woman should have her right to choose.” Let’s be honest about what is at the other end of the choice that is being touted: The imposed death on one’s own offspring. For whatever reason. And that is wrong.

    As a woman it has become particularly tiresome to observe the gender made to look bad by this unfounded, angry, my-body my-choice nonsense. The choice comes into play a lot earlier in the equation than when one decides they’re not up to the natural conclusion of a specific act.

    The rape and incest thing is extremely rare in ocurrance and therefore not applicable to the broader argument, so don’t even go there. And thank God for those who have survived conception by rape who are starting to speak out with the black and white truth that, regardless of the sins of a biological parent, they are people too.

    RE: “abortion is obviously part of that choice, she has a right to refuse pregnancy.” A right to refuse pregnancy? That doesn’t even sound logical. Women have the right not to participate in intercourse. The fact is intercourse can lead to conception of life. This is naturally how the female’s body is made. No fabricated or imagined right changes this biogical fact. It’s a beautiful thing, only made ugly when misused. A great majority of women are coerced into aborting their children. Where’s the “choice” in that?? The chemicals of oral contraception are a Class-I Carcinogen. Is that a good choice for one’s body? All forms of birth control have a failure rate. Is the choice for sex, companionship, whatever has one there, worth all of the mess created when sex that shouldn’t be happening is going on and it leads to the natural end? Human beings are not animals, they have self-control and they have consciences, regardless of whether they choose to employ them or not.

    Abortion does not make a woman unpregnant, it makes her the mother of a dead baby. Maternity begins at conception, and maternity is forever. Any woman who perpetrates that she is happy about the “choice” of having aborted her child is lying, either to herself, others, or both.

    RE: “I will never think it’s killing, because it’s not.” Yes, it is. It absolutely is. A peek at the technical explanation of the procedure blasts that delusion out of the water. All the red herring terminology in the world does not change the truth. Nor will denial.

    RE: “Why must you impose your moral and religious beliefs on us, when we so evidently want nothing to do with them?” Yeah; what’s really going on here, and everywhere, is the imposition of the pro-death mentality and lifestyle on people of faith, when they so evidently want nothing to do with them.

    RE: “But fine, if you want to tell me that I’m a slut to think this is right or that I wasn’t brought up properly, bring it on. If embracing a woman’s reproductive right to choose makes me a slut, I’m one of the biggest whores out there, and that’s the honest truth.” Trash talk, trashy talk, only makes women look bad. Particularly when coming from a woman. As a child of God, you are better than that.

    RE: “Why not just let us live?” That question is better posed to those who support, endorse, advocate for or provide abortion; by those who have their life taken from them via this horrible act.

    • Shawn Pavlik on May 6, 2013 at 9:56 am

      I was going to respond myself, but you responded so beautifully and succinctly, I feel I have nothing left to say. Well done!!

  4. Mark on May 6, 2013 at 3:05 pm

    So many of you have said it so well…I am reminded of Mother Teresa who said,
    “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”

    • quinersdiner on May 6, 2013 at 3:23 pm

      No one says it better than Mother Teresa. Thanks for writing.

  5. oarubio on May 8, 2013 at 5:05 pm

    And the age-old reminder: if it’s not a baby then you are not pregnant.