Governor Christie discriminates against people battling same-sex attractions

By Tom Quiner

A person battles passionate, seemingly uncontrollable urges.

This person’s moral compass reveals how unhealthy these desires are. This person wants to stop, but it’s hard … so very hard.

The person pleads to God to help him/her stop, but the urges don’t go away.

He needs help.

She needs help.

Each of us has a weak link in our make up. Each of us have urges … passions … dark desires that sometimes morph into unhealthy, even destructive life styles.

You name it, America offers no shortage of these addictions.









When addictions compromise our family and our faith, people seek outside help, from support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous to psycho therapists.

Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey just signed into law a bill which takes away the rights of individuals fighting unhealthy same-sex attractions.

Although Governor Christie said he signed the bill “reluctantly,” nonetheless, the result is the same.

Teenagers in their formative teen years grappling with their sexual identity are now prevented by law from seeking therapies that can cure unhealthy same-sex attractions.

By the same token, their parents are prevented by law from seeking potentially curative treatments for their sons and daughters.

The culture says same-sex attractions have the moral equivalence of opposite-sex attractions. People of many faiths, from Islam to big chunks of Christianity believe acting on such attractions separate them from God.

The moral compass of the culture is fluid, changing day-by-day.

The moral compass of the faithful is fixed.

Governor Christie has caved to the culture in his discrimination against people of faith battling their unhealthy attractions, as Maggie Gallagher explained. Ms. Gallagher is the former head of the National Organization of Marriage:

“The new law communicates to gays and lesbians seeking to conform their lives to their values that they are second-class citizens, without the same right to seek help that other people enjoy. It is a right of self-determination that Gov. Christie has shut down.”

Countless people are tormented by unwanted same-sex urges and desires. Governor Christie specifically discriminates against these people, says Ms. Gallagher:

“Governor Christie’s decision today violates the individual drive of men and women who no longer want to be tormented by unwanted homosexual desires. They are adults and should be free to seek out help for themselves without government interference.”

Honorable people can disagree on the morality of same-sex attractions.

Governor Christie has taken away the right of self-determination from these people who desire to bow before their Creator, not the Culture.

New Jersey has become the second state, along with California, to institutionalize discrimination against people in this small subset of society.


  1. JoeC on August 20, 2013 at 12:07 am

    Mr. Christie: “However, I also believe that on issues of medical treatment for children we must look to experts in the field to determine the relative risks and rewards” the governor added. “The American Psychological Assn. has found that efforts to change sexual orientation can pose critical health risks including, but not limited to, depression, substance abuse, social withdrawal, decreased self-esteem and suicidal thoughts.

    “I believe that exposing children to these health risks without clear evidence of benefits that outweigh these serious risks is not appropriate. Based upon this analysis, I sign this bill into law.”

    The experts see this “conversion therapy” as child abuse.

  2. Embattled Farmers on August 20, 2013 at 12:51 am

    People are born heterosexual or homosexual. I knew I was heterosexual and attracted to men before I even knew about sex. I can’t help being heterosexual and gay people can’t help being gay. Gov. Christie stood up against quack therapy that is a complete waste of time and money and just makes people feel bad about who they are.

  3. […] mention the story in light of my post yesterday which defended the right of gay people to pursue therapies that can cure unhealthy same-sex […]