What do you look like to God?

By Tom Quiner

What do you look like to yourself?
Sometimes our greed and our lusts, our angers and guilts erode our self-image.
Sometimes the vicissitudes of life lead us to addiction and despair.
When we look in the mirror, we can barely recognize ourselves.
One group particularly vulnerable to life’s vicissitudes are our veterans. Many, many, many of them have been subjected to physical and emotional wounds that affect them the rest of their lives. Their scars can affect the way they look at themselves.
And yet God sees something beautiful in each of them; in each of us.
I like the video above which shows the “makeover” of one of our veterans fighting addictions and homelessness. His makeover is symbolic of how God sees us, even when we’re scarred. He sees something beautiful .
God imparts dignity on each life. I pray for the veteran above that this glimpse of the real “him” leads him on a path away from pain and addiction.
As St. Catherine of Siena said, “When you become who you are called to be, you will set the whole world ablaze.”