"I Confess"

By Tom Quiner

220px-I_confess_posterThe Louisiana Supreme Court has ruled that a Catholic priest must testify in court about confessions he may have heard.
It won’t happen.
A priest who violates the sanctity of the confessional subjects himself to excommunication. As the Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge stated in a press release:

“A foundational doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church for thousands of years mandates that the seal of confession is absolute and inviolable. Pursuant to his oath to the Church, a priest is compelled never to break that seal. This is not a gray area in the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church.”

This theme was dramatized in the classic 1954 Alfred Hitchcock film, “I Confess.” The priest in the film, portrayed by Montgomery Clift, hears a damning confession that puts his very life on the line.
Watch the trailer above. This sixty year old film is immediately relevant today.
Priests cannot and will not divulge the content of confessions, even under threat of torture or death.


  1. Tom Maly on July 19, 2014 at 7:11 am
