A simple question for Republicans: what are you for?

By Tom Quiner

I know what Republicans are against.

They’re against Democrats, high taxes, government regulations, Democrats, deficit spending, Democrats, yada, yada, yada.

They are engaged in midterm elections against a party that is on the ropes. The Democratic president, Barack Obama, is the most inept president in who knows how long.

President Obama not only makes us long for Bill Clinton, he’s even making Jimmy Carter look pretty good.

The Democratically-controlled Senate couldn’t even muster a budget for three years. Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, isn’t quite right.

Everything Obama touches turns sour. Government ineptness is plastered across the front pages of even liberal newspapers (pardon the redundancy) who no longer feel they can defend their liberal Messiah.

If ever Republicans had an opportunity to change the direction of a country this is it. Obama has promised to be a transformative president. He has succeeded. He has emasculated America.

In light of the utter failure of the liberal policies foisted on this country by the Democratic Party, you would think that Republicans would gut Democrats and regain control of the Senate to bring Obama to a screeching halt.

If it happens, it will be close. Political prognosticator, Nate Silver, who has been remarkably accurate predicting election outcomes, says Republicans have a 59% chance of retaking the Senate.

Even if they do, will they have any sort of mandate? No. They are not articulating a vision for governance by telling us what they’re for and how they plan to get there.

They are telling us what they’re against.

In fairness, Barack Obama peddled his “hope and change” thing in a way that would even make Hallmark Hall of Fame barf. His whole shtick was a sham, a cynical manipulation of a slobbering media and an America that sincerely seeks authentic hope and constructive change. So the ‘hopey/ changey brand has taken a hit.

Nonetheless, I maintain that Republicans need to project a vision for America. How? Simply do what Reagan did.

Conservative ideas work. Stand up for them.

Liberal ideas fail. Point out the relentless string of failures, and present your alternative solution.

Watch the Reagan ad above. If we ever want to see “morning in America” again, conservatives must go on the offensive with a positive message presenting the authentic of hope of intelligent change.

It’s called conservatism, and Ronald Reagan never apologized for speaking the truth.





  1. Shawn Pavlik on October 9, 2014 at 6:17 pm

    I think I need to run for office. At least then you’d know what you’re getting. Problem is, I’m not a good liar.

    • quinersdiner on October 9, 2014 at 6:26 pm

      I’d vote for you.

      • quinersdiner on October 9, 2014 at 6:27 pm

        And we need honest politicians who shoot straight on what they believe.

  2. 49erDweet on October 9, 2014 at 7:25 pm

    At one time Republicans were pretty much focused on good but minimalist governance, fair and equitable taxation and the strict but constitutional rule of law. But like Democrats, who also once had pretty basic goals, that’s all water under the bridge. I’ve been voting for over 60 years, and for many years have been disgusted by the PTB of both parties at the local, state and federal levels. The GOP today is not republican. But Democrats are not democratic. So vote for the individual, not the party.
    We are broken, and need to fix it. Career politicians have done us in. IMO we need to drastically lower the pay and limit the terms of congress to no more than 8 years total, house and Senate combined, lifetime. We also should limit our presidents to one six year term, but give them great post term benefits subject to remaining in a public service capacity.

    • quinersdiner on October 9, 2014 at 7:41 pm

      Interesting proposal, which I do not dismiss out of hand. I have a serious question: would your plan give the bureaucracy even more power?

      • 49erDweet on October 10, 2014 at 2:01 am

        Not really strong on changing the bureaucratic power levels at first. Either way. What I’d like to happen is the appointment of about a dozen special prosecutors and staffs charged to go after the twelve most egregious administrative abuses, take evidence, name names, make charges, prosecute and then incarcerate the convicted – simultaneously. There is nothing quite so gut checking to mid-level bureaucrats as the sight of ex-cabinet officials being led off to prison and knowing they are next up as targets on the firing line.
        From the ensuing testimony Congress should be able to deduce where bureaucratic power has run amuck, and make appropriate legislative changes.
        What I don’t want to happen is to pack the supreme court, and that could happen – and would be disastrous.

        • quinersdiner on October 10, 2014 at 6:20 am

          Thanks for weighing in.

    • Shawn Pavlik on October 10, 2014 at 8:29 am

      I was thinking 12 years, as that would be 2 senate terms, and would make fun.

      • Shawn Pavlik on October 10, 2014 at 8:32 am

        What the heck…sorry…I was going to say would make a fundamental difference in our legislature if we returned to the “citizen legislature” that was intended by our founders, not the career legislature that we have now.

        • quinersdiner on October 10, 2014 at 9:40 am

          These are all legitimate ideas. It strikes me that one of the root causes of our problems is the disproportionate power now in the hands of the federal government. If you own a business, the government can destroy you in a number of ways, by taxing you into oblivion, regulating you into oblivion, or forcing you to honor the flourishing neo-pagan religion that seems to be the Establishment Religion. Want to get money out of politics? Return more power to the states as envisioned by the Founders.

      • 49erDweet on October 10, 2014 at 10:12 am

        Here’s the thing, Shawn, in the first 8 years they learn their job but usually can’t get in much trouble. It’s in yrs 9 thru 12 the mischief begins.
        Given nominal health and intelligence, I hold most adults can constructively handle four to six careers during their lifespan. One being a Congress Critter, if their voters concur.