Porn vs faith-based art: which will you support?

By Tom Quiner

email graphicLet me direct:  I need your help.

Will you support my Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign? I am trying to raise $15,000 by October 26th to fund my new musical, “The Wedding at Cana.”

This musical will be performed in a dinner theater format.  Ironically, it premiers on Valentine’s Day next year, the same day the soft core movie, “50 Shades of Grey,” comes out.

God art vs porn. Which do you plan to support?

The Kickstarter campaign will fund this project in a way which will allow me to export it around the country, as you will see when you check out the project on my Kickstarter page.

Kickstarter is all or nothing. If I don’t hit my goal, I get nothing.



The clock is ticking. There are but 19 days left. I humbly ask for your support on a project which I call “evangelization through entertainment.”

Spread the word to your friends via social media, e-mail, and word of mouth.


[Don’t wait: forward this article to 2 people right now.]