The Cana Kickstarter campaign is down to the final 6 hours!

By Tom Quiner

10307211_473609059442792_4671976958460526569_nI am heading off to Mass shortly. Guess what I’m going to be praying for? Yes, world peace, but as you might guess, I’ll also pray for the successful conclusion of the Wedding at Cana Kickstarter project.

We are ever so close.

With 6 hours to go, the project is 98% funded.

Every time I think of this project, I think of a church hall packed with people who for a couple of hours have left their problems behind. I think of them being entertained with a good show, a good meal, and a good glass of wine.

I think of them marveling at what Mary did and what Jesus did, having just watched the story dramatically retold in the form of musical theater.

Yes, I hope they are humming one of the tunes from the show. But more than that, I hope they hear God’s beautiful melody playing in their heart. I hope they are filled with the awe-inspiring realization that if God can change water into wine, their problems are child’s play in the Hands of their Creator who loves them more than they can ever realize.

In that light, the final 2% needed by this project is child’s play.

There’s still time to support the project. Go to the Cana Kickstarter link here.




  1. on October 26, 2014 at 12:50 pm

    Tom My ‘puter skills are nearly nil. At that, I believe I have successfully pledged $100.00 to the Startkicker deal!! Hope you come in and get the funding you need, Tom……..You and Karen deserve it………and WE do also!

    • quinersdiner on October 26, 2014 at 2:13 pm

      Thank-you, Thomas … we really appreciate it!